

  • I'm Curious

    Ten/Rose. Fluff. The Doctor is bored, sets the controls to random and he and Rose decide to be curious and see what they can find. FINISHED.

  • The Doctor Dances to Abba!

    Eleven and Clara. Crackfic. Oneshot. The Doctor and Clara are captured by Davros and the Daleks but what's the one thing that can save them? Abba! FINISHED.

  • Attack of the Minions

    Ten and Rose. Fluff. Crossover with Despicable Me. After watching Despicable Me 2 one night, Rose goes to sleep and has a very strange dream. FINISHED.

  • The Cuteness Gauntlet

    Twelfth Doctor. Crackfic. The Doctor has faced some terrifying things before but nothing as terrifying as...The Cuteness Gauntlet. FINISHED.

  • Slaves of the Sisterhood

    Doctor/Rose. Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Twelfth Doctor, War Doctor and Clara. Second in the Sisterhood of Karn series. After finding help, Clara and the Doctors race back to Karn to try to rescue Twelve and Rose. But will they rescue them before the Sisterhood turns them both into weapons and use them to restore the rule of the Pythia to the universe?

  • The Doctor Versus The Spaceballs

    Twelve/Clara. Crackfic. Spaceballs crossover. The Doctor and Clara have been captured by the most diabolic and feared group of people in the entire galaxy. The Spaceballs! FINISHED.

  • Grumpy Doctors

    First Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Twelfth Doctor with multiple companions. What happens when the grumpiest Doctors meet on a planet somewhere and get into an argument? FINISHED.

  • The Halloween Photo

    Ten/Rose. Rose was minding her own business, reading a magazine when suddenly the Doctor appeared and began to do some silly things to her. FINISHED.

  • The Master, The Doctor and The Wolf

    Twelve/Rose with Eleven/Clara, the Master, Susan and Metacrisis Doctor. The Master has managed to escape from Gallifrey through one of the cracks in time. He is dying and needs a body badly and he decides that the best way to torment his old foe is to take over the body of the woman he truly loves.

  • Photobombing With The Doctor

    Multiple Doctors and Companions, written with the help of Ninewood. The Doctor has a hobby he loves to share with the people he travels with and it's photobombing history!

  • Finding Gallifrey

    Something Old and New Series. Written with Carol and featuring the Twelfth Doctor and Clara. After the events of Time of the Doctor, Twelve and Clara think they have found Gallifrey but instead they find New Gallifrey and with it a new adventure.

  • Rose's Day Out

    Eleventh Doctor with Rose, Amy/Rory. Crackfic. The Doctor, desiring to see Rose again, takes Amy and Rory back to a time before Rose met the Doctor and takes her on a fun day out around London.

  • The Stowaway

    Eleventh Doctor with Clara and Grace. After landing in San Francisco, Grace Holloway finds the TARDIS again and becomes an extra passenger as Eleven and Clara continue their adventures through time and space.

  • Am I A Good Man?

    Twelfth Doctor and Clara and Metacrisis!Doctor/Rose. Alternate Universe. Joint fic with Carol Reidel. The Doctor has just regenerated. He's a new man and Clara hopes he will be like the other Doctor. But will he stay the same or is this new Doctor darker and more sinister?

  • The Cult of the Doctor

    Ten/Rose with Metacrisis Ten, Donna and Jackie. AU. Following the events of Journey's End, the Doctor takes Rose, Metacrisis and Jackie back to Pete's World. But the disappearance of the TARDIS strands the Doctor there while a biography written about him inspires a cult to worship him.

  • What Do You Do At Night?

    Ten/Rose. Fluff. For years, Rose has wondered one thing. Just what does the Doctor do at night when she's sleeping? FINISHED.

  • Rule of the Valeyard

    Dark!Twelve with Rose and Clara. Alternate Universe. After using the dimension cannon, Rose ends up in a parallel universe where the Doctor has become the Valeyard and rules Earth and several other planets. Can Rose find a way to break through to the man he once was? FINISHED.

  • Alien Invasion of South Park

    Twelve and Clara. South Park/Doctor Who crossover. The Doctor picks a random location to visit and ends up visiting a mysterious planet filled with foul mouthed children. Very mature rating. FINISHED.

  • The Practical Joke

    Nine/Rose and Ten/Rose with Jack and Donna. A practical joke with two Doctors at two different times in their lives. FINISHED.

  • The Zombie Master

    Ten/Rose. It's nearly time for Halloween and the Doctor takes Rose to a planet where they can participate in a zombie walk and attend a party. However, there are some people who prefer real zombies and the Doctor and Rose soon find out that the undead do exist.