
  • Kung Fu Panda - The Conspiracy

    Po is the Dragon Warrior and the father of triplets. Kee-Tai, Peach and Chie-Po. While Chie-Po wants to be a noodle seller, Kee-Tai and Peach are in a competition for the position as Dragon Warrior.

  • Hunted Dragon Warrior

    Po had been tricked and mocked many times by his friends. He loses his Inner Peace and his soul gets dark. He wants revenge.

  • KFP - The back teacher

    We all know, that Po has visited the back school. His strict teacher comes to visit him in Jade Palace. Her name: Mistress Shory, the red panda! It is a Shifu and Shory love story.

  • Kung Fu Panda - the true story

    1000 years ago was the age of the Dragon Warrior. He was betrayed by the people, whom he swore to protect. From this betrayal, he let imprisoned his spirit by his Mistress Shory in a scroll, which was called the Dragon Scroll. For 1000 years.

  • KFP - You are my destiny

    An old soothsayer tells Shory the red panda that she is matched up for someone else. So Shory travels to valley of peace and try her Luck in the Jade Palace. A Shifu and Shory story.

  • A Shifu and Shory story

    This story is about the love of two red pandas. Shifu and Shory. Shifu has reached his age of death.

  • The daughter of the Master

    This story is about Shifu's spoiled daughter Ai.

  • Kung Fu Panda - Tai Lung's return

    Tai Lung is back and wants to take revenge. Will Po stop him?