The Star Room

  • i was a little drunk when i wrote this for you

    Clint Barton sits in his apartment with too many cans of beer, and writes Natasha a letter.

  • they light up the sky for you

    It's the evening of the 2014 Stark Expo, and Bucky promised he'd be here. But promises aren't always easily kept. Steve knows that better than anyone.

  • chemical burn

    Bucky doesn't know what's real anymore.

  • life's for the living

    Clint Barton is dying. Side wound and a shot to the head: pretty nasty stuff. It isn't the worst he's experienced, but it's enough to do the trick. Now if only Nat were close by ...

  • times square

    Steve hasn't slept in 35 hours. The trial for the Winter Soldier is quickly approaching, Christmas is only a few days away ... and oh, he hasn't heard from Bucky all day. Their apartment is empty. Steve can only assume the worst.

  • long after she's gone

    After Gwen Stacy dies, there are two Peter Parkers. One is disappearing. The other may have something worth fighting for.

  • in your blood

    Shaken and injured, Peter flies back to the only woman he knows will understand. Maybe he should have taken the stairs instead of stumbling through her open window, but, hey. Here she is.

  • The Third Night

    Tonight he'll see her dance - that's all that really matters.

  • Lessons In Love

    Her name was Meg Masters. Sometimes she walked around the house naked, and sometimes she ate big spoonfuls of peanut butter right out of the jar. She didn't like Cool Whip, but she loved Cheetos. She knew how to wield a katana and shoot a crossbow. She was a half-cleansed demon and maybe Castiel was in a little too deep. But, oh well - that was fine by him.

  • The Greatest Discovery

    S-A-M. It was a good name for a baby. A good name for a brand new brother.

  • Between Heaven and Hell

    For the first time in months, Castiel has a day to himself. He rents a motel in Milton, Pennsylvania, a small town tucked away from the world, presumably where he can have some space to think. Of course, it's a little hard to think when you're sharing a bed with a demon. / Megstiel