
  • Her Mother's Voice

    "But by far, the thing she adored most about her mother was her voice. Deep, yet smooth and soothing with just a touch of sensuality, something she hadn't been able to identify in her youth." AU in the same universe as A Human and a Witch.

  • Changeling

    "She was going to become her daughter. And to become her daughter, she had to become a faery." Companion piece to Mommy, in which Aurora is transformed from a human into a fae child.

  • Mommy

    "You lied. I do have a Mommy," six year old Aurora said to her three caretakers.

  • She Just Needed a Family

    Sequel to She Just Needed a Little Love. They're back, and now they have a baby. But can Cruella overcome depression and step up to her new role?

  • We Two, Abandoned by the World

    Shameless fluff between Max and Norma in which he takes care of her when she's sick.

  • Acceptance

    Instead of stealing the puppies, Cruella adopts one.

  • Did You Ever Love Me, Mother?

    Rapunzel's hair was not cut and Gothel was taken prisoner. Rapunzel goes down to the dungeons to set things right and ask her a very important question. A question that if answered correctly could save her life.

  • Family Leads to Memories

    The final installment of the 'Leads to' series. Join an older Cinderella as she remembers her last months spent with her stepmother.

  • Happiness Leads to Family

    Third part of the 'Leads to' series. Through mini scenes, watch as Lady Tremaine becomes a loving grandmother.

  • Love Leads to Happiness

    Continuation of Fear Leads to Love. Through mini scenes, see how Cinderella and Lady Tremaine's relationship is salvaged.

  • All She Wanted was Love

    All she wanted-needed-was love. Why couldn't fate let her have it?

  • For the Love of a Daughter

    Cinderella's father doesn't die when she's little. Her stepfamily is nice, and her father is the evil one. Done to Demi Lavato's For the Love of a Daughter

  • The Darkness was her Enemy

    Cinderella is sexually assaulted, and seeks solace with the one person no one would ever expect.

  • The First Diaper Change

    This was asked for by a reviewer, so here it is. Ever wondered what it would be like for Cruella to change a diaper for the the first time? Well now you know.