
  • I Love You Too

    They watched the sunrise together, each tracing their half of the message across each other's arms, back and sides, making sure they knew without a shadow of a doubt that they loved each other.

  • Love to Keep Them Warm

    A small ficlet where our sorceress and miser confess their feelings as they're cuddled together to keep from freezing. For MonkeyLi. Happy birthday

  • The Red Champion

    She diverted her eyes, keeping them riveted to the ground, and in doing so was only able to see the hem of the woman's skirts as she circled around her. The room was silent, save for the swish of the material and the sound of her own slightly labored breathing. Slowly, nearly agonizingly so, her head lifted, her eyes rising slowly after to meet the deep brown ones of the Queen.

  • Soul Mates

    Soulmates were overrated, at least that's what Scrooge told himself day after day and year after year. He was one of the few as old as he was to never have been marked, never have seen his name on another person's body. Magica De Spell was an extremely powerful sorceress, that couldn't be denied, and yet she was still ostracized. She had no name marking her body.

  • I am a Mother

    "Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation." -Robert A. Heinlein

  • Mockingjay: Retold

    What if it was Katniss who was left behind in Catching Fire? How would she deal with being imprisoned and tortured? And what if she shared a cell with Effie? Throw in some sexual confusion and emotional instability and you've got yourself one hell of a ride. Effniss! Don't like, don't read!

  • The Ressurection

    The Sanderson sisters are back! But not because of Max Dennison and the black flame candle. It's not even Halloween. It's because of a woman. A woman with very strong ties to the sisters, Winifred in particular. What will the witches do now that they're in 2014 Salem?

  • A Mother's Love

    There is nothing on earth as powerful as a mother's love. Companion piece to The Evil in this World.

  • The Evil in this World

    What Maleficent is thinking after Aurora ran away from her.

  • She Just Needed a Little Love: Deleted Scenes

    Just some one shots I left out of the original story because I felt that they didn't help move it along.

  • Their Mother

    As anybody with a background in science knows, children are made of combined genes from a male and female, the X chromosome being necessary no matter what. While it was true that the Professor had used sugar, spice and everything nice, what many didn't know was that it was simply impossible to create life without chromosomes from two parents. Yay! AU fluff!

  • Warmth

    She was cold. As cold as the weather, perhaps more so, and her soul was dark. But then she saw a light, and with it came warmth. Slight AU.

  • Their Lives Would Never be the Same

    Forget Joe Gillis, New Years' Eve, and shots fired. Forget everything you know about Sunset Boulevard, including the year it was set. Because this is not about Joe and Norma, or even Max and Norma. It's about Norma and a girl. Elizabeth "Beth" Woods wants nothing more than to meet her idol-the great Norma Desmond. And she just might get her wish... MOVIE-VERSE

  • A Christmas to Remember

    No one deserves to be alone on Christmas, and the only one in all of Townsville who seems to be is Ms. Bellum. What are the girls to do? Why, invite her to spend Christmas with them of course! T for mention of alcohol, though none is actually consumed. Yay, AU fluff! It wouldn't let me add her, but Buttercup is in this, too!

  • My Baby Girl

    AU. For the third Quarter Quell, children between the ages of five and eleven are to be reaped. Effie can barely stand it. Katniss Everdeen is five years old, and is District Twelve's tribute. She still has the innocence of a child her age, ideas about the Games hazy. Effie will have to escort her to certain death...Or is it?

  • They Were a Family

    Just a little companion piece to Protection. Takes place after Katniss' trial for killing Coin. "They had failed to protect her where it mattered most, but they wouldn't fail her again. She was their girl, they were her protectors. They were a team. They were a family."

  • Protection

    Inspired by the Hunger Games Mockingjay part 1 movie. Basically a different take on Katniss' tendency to hide and disappear in odd places. What if one of those places was Effie's compartment, wrapped in her sheets?

  • A New Dream

    Diaval wasn't like most ravens. But he sometimes craved that lifestyle, until he realized how wonderful his life was.

  • Maybe we do Have a Mom

    The girls just want to be normal and celebrate Mother's Day. But who do they celebrate with? Bubbles seems to know, and they all remember exactly why this particular woman has earned the title mom. Yay! AU fluff!

  • The Creation

    This is the story of how one Celstial Sanderson came to be...Okay, so really it's only the first quarter to a third of the story that's M, the rest is really just a high T. Prologue to The Ressurection.