

  • Of Telgar Weyr

    Without warning Pyramanth roared and folded her wings, diving straight down. Vinna clutched tighter at the riding straps, but whooped at the intoxicating excitement that rushed through her... Slight AU; Taking place at Telgar Weyr and focusing around a young Weyrwoman in Pern's history. (Book Two is now in progress)

  • Of Telgar Weyr, Book Two: Rebellion

    Vinna twisted her hold on the riding straps, and sucked in sharp breath as the rival queen rose higher. Smaller than Pyramanth, but more agile because of it... dread clutched her...and then the true horror of the situation dawned on her. Ketith opened her maw, and released a torrent of blistering flames... AU for the Dragonriders of Pern series

  • Dragonmen of Pern

    The names of the Weyrleaders of Pern, and the dragonriders from Telgar Weyr as per my timeline.