

  • The Family Legend

    Mr. Wrench honestly wasn't sure if it was true or not. It seemed just too far-fetched to be believed, but on the other hand, he'd seen some fairly weird shit in his life. So maybe, just maybe, there still was a chance. Blood Magic, Fix-It, Wrenchers Fluff

  • Hoping

    Jason remembered going to the museum once, when he'd been in primary school. One of the paintings they'd seen that day was about the fall of Icarus. He couldn't help remembering that painting now. implied Pythacarus, Character Death

  • Why Risk It?

    Herbert has noticed a pattern. Dan is utterly confused by it. Humor, a bit of Fluff, Friendship

  • The Thing

    Working in the Science Department was a dream come true. This, unfortunately, was not her day. At all. Commander Spock was going to kill her. CRACK, HUMOUR

  • A Big Mess

    Crowley appeared in the middle of Bobby's library and eyed the papers, books and scrolls spread around every surface in the room. "I see you've been busy."

  • The Damn Flu

    Bobby is not feeling well this particular morning. Fluff, some Illness Hurts

  • 5 Places to Hang a Mistletoe and 1 Surrender

    Crowley decides to hang a few sprigs of mistletoe around Bobby's house. Just a few. Honest. Not his fault Bobby's keep ending up under them. Fluff, Kissing, Annoyed Bobby

  • A Summoning

    Crowley winced slightly when the summoning spell yanked him away. He really hated those. You never knew where you'd end up. Thankfully, this time he found himself in a very familiar living room.

  • Night Time

    "I know, it sucks to be up at this hour." Spock/Leonard, past MPreg, Night Feeding, Angst, Character Death, some Fluff

  • The Collar

    Crowley brings Bobby a collar and offers him a special deal. How could Bobby say no? Domestic Fluff, Humor

  • The Truth

    A few words of explanation from a Trickster.

  • Graveside Visit

    Crowley finally comes clean about his meatsuit. Bobby knows just what he will do with that information. established Crobby, a little bit of Sad, but also Sweet, I'm told

  • His Design

    After years of profiling others, of slipping into the minds of killers and losing pieces of himself to their madness, Will finally finds his own design. And he finally sees. WARNING FOR GORE, and Slash. But mostly GORE.

  • Accidentally, I Swear

    Accidents and mishaps can happen on every mission. This one's a doozy, though. ANGST, HURT/COMFORT, mention of BLOOD [Or what if Rush got left behind on a planet. Again]

  • The Kiddifier

    Eli should really listen a little bit more when Rush says not to touch anything or not to push buttons. He really, really should. [Or what if Rush accidentally got de-aged.] HUMOR, a bit of FLUFF, CRACK taken seriously

  • The After

    -Kink Meme- Bilbo didn't reach the Undying Lands. He doesn't seem to mind too much. AFTERLIFE, Everyone is Dead, Angst, Fluff, and More Fluff!

  • The Sue

    -Kink Meme- The Company meet a Mary Sue. Who wants to join them. This might not end well. CRACK, HUMOR, and CRACK.

  • A Predator

    -Written for the Kink Meme- The Full Moon was drawing near, and Bilbo tried to keep his anxiousness at bay. But being surrounded by so many larger wolf-dwarves was rather stressful. Especially with the tales he had heard of what happened to packless wolves during a Full Moon. He shuddered to think what would happen to him.

  • A Ferryman's Job

    Gene Hunt has been the Afterlife Ferryman for many many years. And truth be told, he is horribly tired.

  • Battle-Ready

    -Kink Meme- This was completely unfair. First Adad doesn't allow him to join the quest to reclaim Erebor, then Amad doesn't allow him to join the army and fight for Erebor. Gimli wasn't a child, so he shouldn't have to be forced to stay at home. What's a young, resolute dwarf to do? Apparently run away and sneak into the Battle of Five Armies. BLOOD, VIOLENCE, FLUFF