
  • The Game for Neo Arcadia

    It seemed like it would be simple enough, at first, but that's when he learned that lives would be on the line. Not only lives, but the fate of the city itself... And to him, it sounded fun. With Neo Arcadia at stake and the four guardians as 'game pieces', they would play a game...

  • However This Happened

    Whatever this is... We should probably blame Roll for it, or rather, thank her- For making that comment. Well, Bass had just been attempting to enjoy some tea when she suddenly suggested that he and Rock could possibly be a couple... and soon enough, Rock was in on the joke. And Bass didn't really think it was funny. RockxBass.

  • Life and Death

    It was just a thought that occurred him, but that thought became a question, and that became a reality- and it was not a good thought. Blues's core had always been a major problem in his life, but when it decided to act up, it became a problem for Rock, too. (RockxBlues)

  • A Stolen Coffee

    See, the problem with Bass and Protoman being in the same room is that both are really powerful, and they have such a strong sense of rivalry that they're more than willing to take extreme measures to prove that they won't take any shenanigans from anyone, not even each other- Bass just took it a step too far by taking Protoman's coffee. Slight BassxProtoman but not really.

  • Of Flowers and Dumb Guesses

    Bass decides to pick a flower and give it to Megaman, who promptly begins trying to guess his reason for doing so. What all begins as a random split-second decision and a seemingly stupid guess ends up becoming a confession. Major MegamanxBass in this story.

  • Pointless Math Lessons

    As it turns out, X is really bad at math, despite being named after a variable. Zero was instructed to teach him, but Zero isn't exactly a very good teacher, and thus the two end up spending their time making stupid math jokes and drawing all over their math papers. Needless to say, neither of them learns a thing, but whatever!