

  • pain of fairy tail

    story up for adoption

  • my little dragon

    follow our pink haired dragon slayer as he is kicked out of fairy tail, joins another guild and finds love but does he understand what love is natsu/kagura might turn to M rated for fluff and a bit of lemons

  • Naruto Senju

    see what happens when naruto's fate changes and he has a place to call home and a family that cares/ naruto x hinata naruto x harem / strong smart dark at times naruto maybe godlike in the future/ sharingan rinnegan mutation

  • Ghouls fire

    Every time natsu tried he failed, now abandoned by igneel he will show the world it was wrong to abandon him. however he will have to handle crazy vampires fighting over him, will he survive or give in to his inner demon. natsu x large harem, dark natsu

  • blood of the sharingan (rewrite)

    for all he has done he expected to be punished in the after life but the punishment he got was... unexpected to say the least. see how the famous head of the uchiha can cope with the troubles of... school and all the paperwork that comes with it (gulp) madara/Ura (inner moka) tsukune/usual harem ,there will be dark moments and lemons in later chapters beware (UP FOR ADOPTION)

  • Feelings

    even some slight differences can change everything but how much with a much more forward Takao and a more understanding Kenji, KenjixTakao KenTa