

  • Caring

    Ward and May wait to hear about Skye. Post T.R.A.C.K.S.

  • Appetite

    The team has a week off so Ward decides to visit May.

  • Team Benefits

    Ward feels like he needs to apologize to May after "The Magical Place"

  • Believe

    "Running her hand along the smooth surface, May allowed more tears to flow."

  • We Begin Tomorrow

    May and Coulson right after Coulson watches the video. Post 1x20.

  • Monday Morning Meeting

    Fury calls May to his office for a new assignment.

  • Forgiveness

    "I'm never going to apologize for what you want me to apologize for." May and Coulson talk after Providence.

  • Crossing the Line

    "Ward had the one thing Coulson wanted more than anything, the thing Coulson denied himself. Simply put, Coulson was jealous of Ward."