Brave orange blossom

  • Taking Care of Aichi

    A few days after Legion Mate ends and Aichi is back, Kai goes to Card Capital wanting to see Aichi and return the Royal Paladin deck. When Aichi isn't there, he wonders what happened. After finding out Aichi is sick, Kai goes to take care of him. No spoilers. Kaichi. Kaiai. Oneshot.

  • Remembering Aichi

    Ever since Kai Toshiki talked to Emi that day in Card Capital, she can't stop thinking about his words. Curious what they mean, she goes to find Kai and ask him. She didn't think she had to fight him for the answer. Set after 168 so Legion Mate Hen spoilers are in this. Sequel to Thanks to Vanguard. Oneshot.

  • Thanks to Vanguard

    A few days before Legion Mate begins, Emi hangs out with Aichi the blue haired boy fulfilling his promise to get her ice cream. Emi talks about how Vanguard and Kai-kun has changed Aichi and how she is very grateful that Aichi did change. Set before Legion Mate Hen begins and spoilers through first part of 164. No pairings. Oneshot.

  • Disappearance

    Set around episode 1 of Legion Mate Hen. Spoilers for Legion Mate Hen. Basically Kai-kun finds out Aichi has disappeared, a Royal Paladin deck appeared before him and his friends don't know who Aichi is. What will Kai-kun do? Kaichi. Kaiai. Oneshot.

  • Unpredictable

    Kai-kun isn't used to unpredictable people and Sendou Aichi was quite unpredictable around him making him feel uneasy and unsure how to react around him. Add in his soft spot for the younger boy which grew into love and thoughts of Aichi leaving him behind. He's in a predicament for sure but will Kai-kun run away like he has before? Kaichi. Kaiai. Set in Link Joker. Oneshot.