Brave orange blossom

  • That Sincere Summer Sky

    It's been over a week since the Seidou and Inashiro game, and Eijun's still waiting for Mei's apology. When he starts getting attention at Summer Koushien, Mei decides to take advantage of it and uses their relationship to get attention. Eijun wants a special apology that will tell him that Mei's sorry and still likes him. Post-Canon. Set during Summer Koushien. One shot.

  • That Fateful Summer Sky

    The Seidou and Inashiro rematch is finally here. Eijun and Mei really like each other, but they're serious about baseball and won't hold back. Little do they know, though, that this game will affect not only their relationship, but also their future. Set during Act II. Takes place a day before, during, and after the Seidou and Inashiro rematch. Major spoilers for that game.

  • The Neglected Sun

    Mei stumbles across a soaking wet Eijun outside his favorite café and decides to help him. Everyone else is surprised he cares. Set during Act I. Takes place sometime after the Seidou and Yakushi practice game, but before Chris teaches Eijun the low and away pitch. One shot.

  • That Bright Summer Sky

    Mei's always thought of Eijun as his human sun who shines brightly. He's even more convinced after watching the Seidou and Sankou semifinal game. He won't let anyone, especially Eijun's teammates, dim that bright light of his. Set during Act II. Takes place during and after the Seidou and Sankou summer tournament game. Major spoilers for that game. One shot.

  • That Bold Summer Sky

    Eijun panics about being late for practice and grabs the first shirt he sees, not realizing it's Mei's game jersey. He doesn't regret wearing it, though, as everyone now knows about his relationship with Mei. Set during Act II. Takes place the day before the Seidou and Sankou semifinal game. Y'all might see some spoilers if you squint. One shot.

  • That Resilient Summer Sky

    Eijun has been spending a lot of his free time with Mei lately, which annoys his teammates. They interfere with their relationship, hoping to break them up. Set during Act II. Starts the night of the Hachiya Ouji game and ends the night before the Yakushi and Sankou game. One shot.

  • That Irresistible Summer Sky

    Eijun and Mei go out on a summer festival date. Eijun has a problem, though. He can't stop staring at Mei. Set during Act II. Takes place the night after Eijun's first game as the ace. One shot.

  • That Accusatory Summer Sky

    Eijun knew he had to tell his teammates about his relationship with Mei eventually. He didn't think their reaction would be that bad, though. Set during Act II. Takes place the night of the summer tournament opening ceremony and the night after that. One shot.

  • A Sweet Day

    Mei enjoys Valentine's Day because of all the attention he receives, but other than that, he doesn't care about it. Eijun changes his mind. Set during the off-season in Act I. Takes place on Valentine's Day. One shot.

  • That Celebratory Summer Sky

    Eijun and Mei celebrate their one-year anniversary. Mei only has one present for Eijun, but when Eijun tells him he has two special presents for him, he decides to come up with another one. Set during Act II. The first scene takes place the Sunday evening after Seidou's Summer Hell Training Camp, and the rest of the fic takes place a week later. One shot.

  • That Trusting Spring Sky

    Haruichi feels hurt Eijun hasn't told him about his relationship yet, so he decides to find out for himself. Not only is he surprised that Eijun is dating Mei, but he's even more surprised by how Mei acts around Eijun. Set during Act II the night Seidou gets back from their Golden Week practice games. One shot.

  • That Unbelievable Spring Sky

    Mei meets up with Eijun after the Seidou and Sankou semifinal game. While trying to comfort him, especially after what happened during said game, Mei decides to tell Eijun something he's been thinking about for a while now. Set during the spring tournament of Act II. One shot.

  • Precious Touches

    Not too long ago, Aichi and Kai-kun started going out with each other. Aichi keeps stiffening and moving away at Kai-kun's touches and he wants to fix that. Will staying the weekend at Kai-kun's place help him? Or will Kai-kun scare him away? Set after Link Joker but no spoilers. Ignores Legion Mate Hen. Kaichi/Kaiai. Established relationship of Aichi and Kai-kun. Oneshot.

  • A Special Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day is coming up and Sawamura with some help from other people realizes his feelings for Miyuki. What will Miyuki's reaction to Sawamura's chocolate be? Set after summer tournament. Tiny spoilers only because of how some people address Miyuki. Misawa. Miyusawa. Oneshot.

  • Kai-kun's Graduation

    Kai-kun, Miwa and Misaki's graduation is coming up and Aichi is writing a farewell address for the event. Due to being busy, Aichi hasn't been able to meet up with Kai-kun lately. What are Kai-kun's future plans? Will Aichi like them? Set during Legion Mate. Spoilers for 195. Kaichi/Kaiai. Oneshot.

  • Avoiding Kai-kun

    One day after the Link Joker incident, Aichi starts avoiding Kai-kun. Kai-kun tries not to get upset by it convinced it is his imagination but when Aichi keeps avoiding him, he gets bothered by it. Why is Aichi avoiding Kai-kun? What will happen when Kai-kun finally confronts Aichi? Set after Link Joker. No spoilers. Ignores Legion Mate Hen. Kaichi/Kaiai. Oneshot.

  • Say My Name

    Aichi and Kai-kun are hanging out when Kai-kun asks Aichi to call him by his given name Toshiki. Will Aichi do it? What will Kai-kun's reaction be? Kaichi/Kaiai. Oneshot. Set in AU where they have been best friends for years. Happy Birthday Sil!

  • Happy Birthday Kai-kun

    Worried about Kai since he is spending all of his free time searching for Aichi, Miwa tries to get Kai to relax on his birthday. He mentions that a surprise will be waiting for Kai at his home and the surprise involves Aichi. Will Kai like this surprise or will it upset him? Kaichi/Kaiai. Set in Legion Mate Hen after episode 179 but before 180. Some spoilers. Oneshot.

  • Not a Date

    After Link Joker, things are back to normal. Miwa bugs Kai-kun about asking Aichi out on a date. Aichi and Kai-kun hang out for the day but refuse to call it a date convinced the other doesn't like them back. Will they enjoy their day and will Kai-kun confess? Set after Link Joker. Slight spoilers. Ignores Legion Mate Hen. Kaichi/Kaiai. Oneshot.

  • Happy Birthday Aichi

    It is Aichi's birthday and he spends it with his friends happy that they remembered his special day. Kai tells him to meet up with him in private later. What will Kai's present to Aichi be? Happy Birthday Aichi! Sorry I'm late. Kaichi. Kaiai. Oneshot. Set after Link Joker finale. Ignores Legion Mate.