This is the original ( Hungarian) version of "How many steps are needed for happiness?". Eliza rajtakapja Higginst, amint az ő hangját hallgatja a gramofonon. A lány ráébred egykori tanára érzéseire, de szüksége van rá, hogy az ő szájából hallja ezeket a szavakat. Vajon Higgins képes lesz félretenni a büszkeségét Eliza miatt? És mi lesz Freddy sorsa?
Higgins realizes he is in love with Eliza. Although she feels the same, she doesn't want to break off her engagement. She doesn't want to have a "lifetime of fetching Higgins's slippers, but a lifetime of Freddy fetching hers." Will Higgins be able to persuade her? Will Eliza change her mind?
Eliza didn't marry Freddy, but didn't stay at her former professor's home either. She possesses a flower shop and sells flowers as an independent young woman... and she is often surronded by young gentlemen. How will Higgins react to it? Is he able not to make a row... for instance at his mother's house during dinner?
Eliza finds Henry listening to her voice on the gramophone. Although Eliza is aware of Henry's feelings for her, she needs to hear them. Is Henry Higgins able to gain confidence for a confession, or his pride is stronger? And what about Freddy Eynsford-Hill?