Sam and Mercedes finally talk in Season 5! It's long overdue and their feelings are exposed.
A very AU Roughley one shot. Where AR and DH state their feelings. What happens afterwards?
Team Roughley fic! AU set two years after DWTS 17. For Derek - all roads lead to Ms. Riley. But he's only just realized it.
*Rileystreet Theme* With time running out, how will Chord handle his feelings for Amber? More importantly - how will Kevin deal with it? LOL Disclaimer: I only own the story. Not the 'characters' (obviously - since they are real folks - I couldn't own them. geesh. lol)
Even distance couldn't keep her off his mind. Told from Thomas and Dayzee's current POVs in Paris. *Disclaimer - only own the story, not the characters*
Thomas gets the courage to say what has been on his mind since hearing about Dayzee wanting to marry Marcus. One shot (for now). DISCLAIMER: I only own the story - not the characters
Dayzee confirms what Thomas has known for some time now. *Thayzee smut*