
  • Deal

    "'Why are you doing this' Pan pressed his fingertips to where Killian's heart was, feeling the pulse of life reverberate through his own skin. 'Because I always get what I want.'" Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS, M/M. I hope you enjoy and please review. Thanks in advance! ENJOY! XD

  • Fingerprints

    Tuck and FDR are chasing a notorious identity forger, one who resembles Tuck to a creepy degree. What will happen when FDR is faced with trying to make the right decision between his best friend and a criminal?... Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, Some Bad Language. I hope you like it and please review! XD ENJOY!

  • Silver Tongue

    Loki is stuck at yet another feast and he's in the need for a distraction. When Thor offers his help, he had no idea what he's getting into... Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, Rough Play. I hope you like and if u can, please leave a review! ENJOY! XD

  • Partners in Crime

    Set after Thor 2! Loki is disguised as Odin and when Thor storms into the throne room with a chained Deadpool dragged behind him, his curiosity begins to stir... Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M (Deadpool/Loki) I hope u like and please review if u can! ENJOY! XD

  • Night of the Hunter

    FDR and Tuck are hot on Sylar's trail but when they split up and FDR decides to take the killer on all by himself...Things quickly spiral downwards into disaster. Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, RAPE, SLIGHT BAD LANGUAGE, Implied Tuck/FDR. I hope u like and please review if u can! ENJOY! XD

  • Intermission

    "They should have known one day Tony would go around and ask all of their opinions on one of their arch enemies' butt. It was really their fault for being caught off guard! At least that's how Tony saw it..." Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, Slight Bad Language. I hope you all like it and please leave a review if u can! ENJOY! XD

  • Breaking Down

    "They said they were going to put him in a coma and when Virus mentioned putting him in an especially 'pleasant' coma the other guy said it might break him." Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M/M, Rape (Read more warnings inside) I hope you guys like it and if u can, please leave a review! ENJOY! XD

  • Birds of a Feather

    Christophe is one of the deadliest men alive but he is not a senseless killer. When his bosses send him to kill Craig Tucker, a seeming innocent young man, he begins doing the one thing no assassin should ever do. Ask Questions... Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, Bad Language, Violence, Blasphemy. I hope you like it and let me know through a review! ENJOY! XD

  • Cat Got Your Tongue

    When Loki drops by and Tony decides to play hard to get, he forgets Loki is a pro at mind games... He also forgets Loki is highly creative and hated to lose! Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M/M, Established Loki/Tony, Selfcest (Loki/Loki). I hope you enjoy the read and please let me know what you think through a much appreciated review! ENJOY! XD

  • Final Straw

    Drillbit gives Filkins a detention to give his employers a break but the guy is absolutely insufferable... Things end up getting messy very quickly... Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, ROUGH LAY, BAD LANGUAGE. I hope you like it and if you have the time, please leave a review! ENJOY! XD

  • Biting Down

    "'Time is up. There's a drunk pirate asleep on my couch and I want to know why.' Jefferson pressed a chaste kiss against Victor's jugular feeling the motions as the doctor swallowed audibly." Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M/M. I hope you enjoy and if u have the time, please leave a review. ENJOY! XD

  • Angels Fall First

    "An exasperated sigh broke past the tight defence of his thin lips. Of course it would be Hwoarang... Jin's posture relaxed slightly and he leaned back once more, considering his next course of action. " Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, Violence, Slight Bad Language. ENJOY! XD

  • Bad Idea

    Sequel to Bad Influence. READ THAT ONE FIRST! Jack finds the note from Pitch and events leads to them meeting again. Needless to say they don't get much sleep that night... Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, Underage (Jack is 17), Seriously read Bad Influence or some references won't make sense. ENJOY! XD

  • Breaking Point

    "'Now, now. Don't sell yourself short kid. I'm sure we can make a mutually beneficial deal. Let's see...' The bastard actually paused a handful of seconds as if he was considering his options. Charlie knew Sawyer had something already planned or he would have told him to buzz off by now." Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M! ENJOY! XD

  • No Better

    "'Emma will never give you this. She can't touch you.' His thump pressed against Mark's lower lip and watched as the other let it drop invitingly. 'She can't kiss you.' He leaned in and pressed their lips together, letting Mark relish the feel of their softness." Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M (Luke/Mark), Incest. ENJOY! XD

  • Calling the Shots

    "'I propose a bet.' Loki turned his attention back to his adoptive brother. He arched a curious eyebrow but he was weary. Things usually backfired for him when Thor proposed a bet." Believe me, this will not be the exception to the rule. XD Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, BAD LANGUAGE! ENJOY! XD

  • Control

    This takes place in season 1 after they stop Sussie. Jack is not happy that Owen used alien technology to get laid and he decides the best solution to that problem is to teach Owen a lesson. One with plenty of humiliation involved. Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS, M/M! ENJOY! XD

  • Spare Me the Details

    Imagine this, Loki and Bruce are lost in NY City, on Valentine's Day and the only room they find available is a couple's suite. To make matters worse, guess which Thunder God happens to stay in the next room? Get the picture yet? No? Keep reading then. XD Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M! ENJOY! X3

  • Break the Ice

    In a last attempt to melt the ice around Loki's heart Thor considers the most powerful weapon in the whole of creation. Love. But will Loki's soul mate return his love? Therein lies the tricky part... Warning: MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS!, M/M, Slight Bad Language. I hope u like it and please review! ENJOY! XD

  • Out, Out Brief Candle

    I just had to write this to make peace with Fred's death. T3T I cried like a baby when I read about it...seriously! But anyway, I should mention that is a George/Ron/Fred fiction! It includes ALL 3 characters, but i couldn't name more than 2. Warning-M/M ,MATURE SEXUAL CONTENTS, Incest , I would also advise reading 'Double Play' before but it's not a necessity.