Sakura Aidou

  • Uta no Prince-sama X-Reader Oneshots

    X-Reader Oneshots for UtaPri. If you want one pm me and let me know. It doesn't have to be for UtaPri it can be from another show. Just tell me the name of the character and some ideas.

  • Amnesia: Weak or Unbreakable?

    Hikaru was shot when she very young when someone went after her family and ended up in a coma. Taken in by Ai Mikaze and the professor that created him.

  • Our Love can Never Die

    Akira is Hibiki Lates and Karen Lilica's child. First 3 chapters take place during the 7 year time skip. Then jumps to the Grand Magic Games. I had this idea for awhile. Hibiki and Karen are one of my favorite ships from Fairy Tail. Please don't hate on it. If you don't like don't read. Rated M for future, but may change. Sorry that the summary sucks.

  • Fairies, Lamias, and Pegasus Real World

    Title says all. What happens when a group of mages from Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Fairy Tail end up in our world? What mischief will this group of mages bring with them, and how will Atsuko deal with everyone she read about being actual citizens? Read and find out.

  • Which World is Real?

    I've had this idea for awhile and wanted to see how it turned out. May turn out like my other story with Skye Clover. Aika has lived in Fiore her whole life. Until one day it all changes. Who is this mysterious force she senses once she joins the Detention Corps? What does this force want with her? X-over

  • Revamped Rare Vampire

    New version of Rare Vampire. Rewritten and some things have changed. Hope you enjoy this version of Rare Vampire

  • Confusion is a Dreamland

    Sayuri is a Pure Blood vampire. She has 3 siblings, one older brother, 3 older sisters. They show up in Dreamland story. There's a few references in one of the chapters of this story.