American Chimpanzee

  • A Christmas Crappie

    The thing I hate most about office Christmas parties is going home drunk and unemployed. (By the way, a "crappie" is a fish.)

  • Lucy (Using One Hundred Per Cent Of Her Brain)

    I suffer from kleptomania. When it gets bad, I take something for it.

  • Fifty Shades of Grey Hair

    I wish I could take credit, but, like in "Kate & Jose," these stories are based on classic naughty jokes. Such as: "Bigamy is having one wife or husband too many. Monogamy is the same."

  • Fifty Shades of Parody

    "Will you stay in our lovers' story? / If you stay, you won't be sorry / 'Cause we believe in you / Soon you'll grow, so take a chance / With a couple of Kooks / Hung up on romancing" David Bowie January 8, 1947-January 10, 2016