
  • Till Death Do Us Part

    Isabella never asked for much. All she ever wanted in life was to marry her fiancé, settle down, and then die peacefully, preferably in her sleep. Unfortunately, her life is turned upside-down when she is saved from a near-fatal accident by a mysterious stranger with long, silver-white hair. Just who is he? Or more importantly, what? UndertakerxOC. Explanation inside.

  • Just Another Riddle

    Carren Paradizo prefers to sit in her apartment. Alone. Writing, or reading, or drawing, drinking tea (not coffee, not ever). But her innate ability to read other people and figure them out as easily as you and I were to put together a puzzle causes Nick Fury to call her in, and under the pretense of supervision, figure out a certain mischief god. To her, he's just another riddle.

  • Her Erik, His Christine

    *REWRITING* Sequel to Her Romeo, His Juliet. "I know you want us to have a happy ending, Katarina." "Oh? How do you know that?" "Good girls always want a happy ending." "True." Her fingers ghost over his cheek. "But sometimes, the bad guy wants a happy ending too." Post-Thor and during Avengers.

  • Sith, Slave, Assassin, Ally

    She was born a Sith, sold as a slave, enrolled as an assassin, and eventually becomes an ally. "Ally," She pondered thoughtfully to herself. "Not a friend, not an enemy, but an ally." She stayed silent a little more and finally made her decision. "It's a nice word." Set during the Clone Wars (TV series).

  • My Desert Rose

    Hana Okami was always trying to hide- from everyone. Keeping her head down and making herself invisible. Cowering before her abusive father, mourning for her deceased mother. She was so good at hiding that Gaara had never noticed her before. But when he did, he made sure that she never hid from him again. Gaara x OC.

  • Stolen Glances

    "He looked into her eyes- her dead, useless eyes- and was surprised to find such LIFE within them. Ice and steel and blue flame." Bella di Angelo might be blind, but she can see the Dark Prince of Asgard for who he really is; a place where countless others have failed. Pre-Thor, Loki x OC, obviously. I blame the rating on paranoia.

  • Her Romeo, His Juliet

    *REWRITING* She would've fallen on her back had someone not caught her. There was an arm around her waist and a hand on her hip, keeping her suspended above the floor. In an effort to stay upright, Katarina had grabbed the man's arm. She looked up, ready to express her thanks, but the man's appearance took away her words and jammed them back down her throat. Loki/OC.

  • Cassiopeia, Called Cass

    A slave and a prince? Unlikely, fairytale-esque, doomed to fail, and true. Through trickery, social standings, innocence, ignorance, indifference and hate, can a slave dare to love a prince who treasures her above all things? Perhaps. Or perhaps not. Shall we find out?

  • Pyrrhic

    Movie-based; takes place in The Battle of the Five Armies. Basically a recount of Tauriel's feelings when Kili died and her conversation with the Elven King of Mirkwood.

  • The Prince and the Tactician

    He was constantly mocked for his use of magic. She was scoffed at for her inexplicable attraction to battle strategy. Both felt overlooked, both felt underestimated, both felt underrated. And both came to seek solitude at a lonely river. You know, just your typical coincidental meeting between a fallen Prince and a bitter Tactician. Loki x OC; Pre-Thor.

  • The Daughter of Voldemort

    I know the title sounds crazy, but I have managed to make this work. Join Luella Abigail Riddle in her quest to bring down her murderous father, avenge her mother, gain Harry Potter's trust, and solve her own inner turmoil of shame.

  • Fairytale of Lies

    The princess of the Acorn kingdom is captured by the Evil King Mephiles, while an outlaw and their friends try and save her and the kingdom. Sounds like a normal fairytale right? Wrong. In this story, you won't be able to tell what is the truth, and what is a lie.

  • To Live and Die

    Raven knows she's a menace- a living threat, all because of a demon cult. Despite the danger she poses, Itachi Uchiha took pity on her and taught her how to be a ninja. Because of his kindness, Raven decided to do anything for him- including making a promise to live, protect, and potentially die for a person that she barely knows: Sasuke Uchiha.

  • My Desert Flower

    Too busy worrying about where to get her next meal, Hana never knew she was beautiful. The world she knew was stained with ugliness, and she cowered at school and kept her head down where she worked, too scared to show her face to the world because of her abusive father. Her hiding method worked for everyone, except for Gaara, who was captivated the moment he saw her. GaaraxOC

  • Snapshots

    A short series of Author x AnyNarutoCharacter oneshots. I'm taking requests, so if you want me to write one with a certain characters, please PM me or leave your request in a review.

  • Vengeance

    Hello. My name is Calypso. My mother was a witch, my father was a Kishin, and my father killed my mother when I was five years old. I live, drowning in bitter feelings and anger, surviving only for vengeance. Black StarxOCxDeath the Kid. The cover was designed by my friend, JuliettheHedgehog, on deviantART.

  • Forsaken

    Tora's eyes started to fill with angry tears. "I don't believe what's happened to you." She croaked. "Where is that boy who begged me to stay? That innocent child, the one that screamed and cried and took my bloody hand and swore that he loved me? Because I can't see him anymore." She took him by the shoulders and shook him. "Where is he, Gaara? Give him back to me!"

  • To What Lengths

    Born to a mother who died in a tragic accident and father she wish she hadn't, Reyna Isabelle Kyser had never known true happiness. The only salvation that she found was with her best friend, Keto, an alchemy prodigy. He teaches Reyna, who's talents eventually increase to match his. But when Keto is killed, to what lengths shall Reyna go to resurrect everyone she loves?

  • The Next Generation of Harry Potter

    Not all the Death Eaters, like the Malfoy's, turned to the good side after the humiliating defeat of Voldemort that Harry Potter gave him. Some cursed Harry's name, and passed their passion and desire for vengeance to their own children... Join Harry's children, who are left to fight off Voldemort's remaining followers and discover friendship where they least expect it.