
  • Thanks A Lot, Harry!

    In the future, two separate dystopian societies arise. Where did each of them find the inspiration for the very foundation on which their entire society rests? From different elements of the classic, popular young adult Harry Potter series, of course! Pseudo-crossover of Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Divergent. One-shot.

  • Tongue Tied

    How does a man who's never found it easy to express his emotions ask the woman he loves to marry him? My theory of how Egon Spengler proposes to Janine Melnitz, and how their friends react to the news. Egon/Janine one-shot, post-RGB series.

  • Whispers In the Night

    "Come out and play, child. Come out and play." A closer look at Kylie's childhood encounters with the Grundel. "Grundelesque"-inspired one-shot.

  • Knife Throwers

    What's the most interesting moment in "The Blue Spirit" in retrospect? The moment when Zuko remembers a debate he once had with Mai about the merits of swords versus knives. Mai/Zuko Maiko one-shot.

  • Let Him Find Her

    Janine/Egon one-shot from their friends' POV. Why was Egon the first to find Janine in the climax of "Janine, You've Changed"? A look at what that night was like for Peter, Ray, and Winston. (*NOT* one of those POV shot-by-shot recaps.)

  • Remember Me, Ghostbusters?

    What does Walter Peck find most infuriating about the Ghostbusters? One-shot set during "Big Trouble With Little Slimer."

  • Works Every Time

    An alternate ending to the scene in "Big Trouble With Little Slimer" when Walter Peck comes to take Slimer. This time, Peck fails. Why? Because bookworm Winston Zeddemore remembers a certain novel's strategy for dealing with government looters: don't fight them, but don't lift a finger to help them.

  • Angel Of Beauty

    What if Peter overheard something when he was staying at Janine's apartment, something that made Egon worry about her strange behavior lately? References second movie, takes place during "Something's Going Around" and after "Janine, You've Changed." Inspired by the latter's resemblance to a certain other famous ghostly love story...

  • Let It Out (Parody)

    (I know this trend is dead, but the idea would not leave me alone.) "The cold is contained within you, and ever since you acquired you ghost abilities, you have only been letting it out in small amounts... but now you must learn to let it out all at once." "Let It Go" parody in Danny's point of view during "Urban Jungle."

  • The Worst Part

    What is the worst part of Henry Crawford's affair with Maria Rushworth? What is his greatest crime?

  • The Truth Only Makes You Guiltier

    An alternate ending to Elinor's conversation with Willoughby at Cleveland, where Elinor explains that the fact that Willoughby truly loved her sister only makes his treatment of her even worse.

  • Nerves Of Steel

    A one-shot looking at what life at the Royal Fire Academy For Girls was like for Mai. At the reputation she quickly developed amongst her peers. Involves some Mai/Zuko Maiko although Zuko doesn't appear.

  • Let The Storm Rage On

    "That's my secret - I'm always angry." When did Dr. Banner give up the "conceal, don't feel" strategy? How did he learn to control his power by letting himself feel? It all started when he woke up from an incident in a strange land and had a long conversation with a queen with a very similar past. Set before The Avengers film, after Frozen. Ch. 2: Bruce's version of "Let It Go."

  • The Longest Moment Of Their Lives

    "When you see me put the gun to Smart's head, you do the same to Mrs. Smart. I want them to watch each other die." A look at what was going through Max's and 99's heads during the climax of the episode "Greer Window" and what we all know happened afterward.

  • Top 10 Rules For Battle Couples

    One-shot. When Max and 99 are asked to teach a class at CONTROL on what it takes to be a good battle couple, they prepare a list. Term comes from TV Tropes.

  • Rising

    One-shot. While serving his prison sentence for treason and attempted murder, Hans hears of Anna's and Kristoff's marriage. How will he react upon learning how some peasant succeeded where he failed?

  • Snape's Eulogy

    With the help of Xenophilius Lovegood, Harry writes an article setting the record straight about the ally he feels he owes the most: Professor Severus Snape.

  • Violated

    What effect did Korra's experiences at the hands of Amon, Tarrlok, Unalaq, & Zaheer have on her? Why did she try so hard to push Mako away after her ordeal with Amon? Why did she think Asami was the only one who could understand what she went through after being poisoned? Very dark one-shot. Mild Korrasami. Rated T for discussion of the Y7-appropriate violence depicted in the show.

  • In Hindsight

    Korra and Asami look back on their experiences together during the conflict with the Equalists and wonder if more was going on than they were aware of. Korrasami one-shot - a look at several Rewatch Bonus moments in Season 1.

  • Guilt

    One-shot. There's a lot of hate in the fandom for Mako, but does he deserve it all? What is he really guilty of? Mako asks himself that very question the night he watches Korra and Asami leave for the Spirit World. Set just after "The Last Stand." Korrasami, although they don't appear. Rated T for safety only (1 suggestive line). SPOILERS