

  • Can't Take it

    When new-girl moves into Mineral Town, will it all be flowers, and potatoes in this heartfelt, drama, between new lovers, and rivals? (Rated M for very adult themes. 2 OC's are in the story, The main character and the child.)

  • Their Dirty Little Secret

    The story begins with the meeting of Harry Potter, and Dianna Malfoy (Draco, Gender swap) In their 6th year. Both in Gryffindor, and passing by each other for 6 years, They have a class together and Harry and Dianna fall madly in love. It was love at first sight, as someone may say! (I'M BACK, AND WILL TRY AND WRITE THIS STORY!) (check out my harvest moon Fanfic, if you have time)

  • Survival

    In a cold, heartless world of, Walkers, Clementine vows, to her last breath to restore the world. To live a life Sandra would've wanted. Lee keeps her close in all their ventures. (Rated T for a bit of course language)