
  • Resurrection

    ("I'm sorry," Harry whispered. "For everything," There was a pause. "I am sorry too," the man replied quietly.) When Harry Potter finds his life in a mess and can't cope with the guilt, he goes back to the Forest to look for the stone he had left there the last time he came. A most unexpected man forms in front of him-and Harry doesn't know why because he hadn't meant to summon him

  • Not This Time

    One-Shot. Has slight language. Severus finally cracks over Tobias's behaviour. The results are unpleasant! Just an idea that popped into my mind.

  • How Were My Parents Like?

    After the Dementors attack the Quidditch pitch, Harry finds himself falling out of the sky. The next time he wakes up, he is in the Hospital Wing. Things are pretty boring and depressing, until the door opens and Professor Lupin steps inside the room.

  • A Very Slytherin Revenge

    Snape and Avery take revenge on the Marauders in a most amusing way. Well as far as amusing goes where Snape is concerned. Written for the QLFC.

  • Pain

    "I'm sorry..." He whispered, though he knew she could not listen and even if she could-she'd turn him away like she had done that day. ("I've chosen my way.") He would have given it all up for her, but the realization came too late. He hadn't thought that his interest in the Arts would lead her further and further away from him until he was responsible for her death. One-shot.

  • That One Defence Class

    One Defence class, Gideon Prewett is paired with a girl. That girl despises him. He likes that girl. That girl embarrasses him. He helps that girl. Wait, what? Written for the QLFC.

  • Being A Godfather Is Tougher Than You May Think!

    Snape wanted to rest on the cloudy Saturday our story starts, but then his little godson, Draco, came for a...visit. In truth, that was part of a godfather's job-taking care of your godchild. But Snape was sure tending to an arrogant, loud, spoilt and raging five-year old boy was NOT part of the job. Warning: Mild Spanking. 1-shot, AU.

  • Love For A Sister

    Two sisters write to each other. Narcissa explains about how much she misses Bella and how happy she is that Draco is born. Written for Round 6 of the QLFC.

  • Helga's Golden Treasure

    Helga Hufflepuff has carved a cup. A beautiful, golden cup. She is sure the other Founders will admire her abilities. Who would of known, that, decades and decades later, a young man would find good use of the cup too. Written for the QLFC's seventh round.

  • As Fate Would Have It

    When Harry Potter runs away from home after inflating his Aunt Marge, he is kidnapped and rescued by Severus Snape. The man works him and hurts him, never keeping him happy, but Harry is sure his intentions aren't as evil as all that and finally discovers the parental figure he always strived for, however different. Warning! Contains parental spanking. Father/son. Mean!Snape.

  • Luck and Fate

    When Harry runs away from home, Snape finds him and kidnaps him. He enjoys tormenting James Potter's son, but after a while Snape really grows to care for the boy. There is a dark future awaiting Harry, and if there is only one man who can prepare him-it is Snape. Warning: CP. Rated T