
  • Unspoken Wishes

    Severus Snape and Lily Evans have finally graduated from Hogwarts, but things are not the same. Severus is besotted with Lily, while Lily is engaged to James. Petunia Evans, on the other hand, is slowly falling for Severus Snape. Will her feelings amount to anything and will Severus ever love another? {Sevtunia Story} {Two-Sided}

  • The Art Of Longing

    When Petunia Evans sees him for the first time in years, on her doorstep, breathtaking in his grief and anguish, she can't helping the burning longing and fierce curiosity that is kindled in her heart. Petunia knows that she has never felt this way for anyone before, but can lovelorn Severus ever love another? Or will he always pine after her magical sister? (Sevtunia)

  • Love And War

    All the one-shots I will write for the QLFC. Finals: Harry wants Hermione, but does she want him?

  • Cherished

    When a neglected baby Harry is given to a young, troubled Severus Snape, how will the two of them learn to cope with each other? Baby!Harry and lots of cuteness.

  • QLFC Season 5

    All of the one-shots I will write for the QLFC, Season 5.

  • Unspoken Wishes

    The most unlikely relationship ever to happen soon becomes possible when a bitter and resentful Petunia Evans sees Severus Snape again, after all the years. Even though now Lily AND her fiancé are against the man, Petunia can't help feeling, day by day, that she is falling in love with him. But does Severus feel the same, let alone know how Lily's sister is feeling towards him?

  • Deserted

    Years after adopting baby Harry, Severus Snape is anticipating a whole new year at Hogwarts with his eleven-year old ward. Things are not cheerful however-Harry seems to be following in his father's footsteps and Snape doesn't want anything to do with him. What will Harry do when his own adopted father has turned away from him? (SEQUEL TO ABANDONED) Warning: Cp!

  • Misunderstandings

    Snape hates Harry Potter. Harry Potter hates Snape. But once they find out something earth-shattering, they are forced to spend more time with each other than they would have liked. Warning: CP. Twisty father/son.

  • The Light In The Darkness

    When Dumbledore sees the welts upon Harry Potter he removes him from his relative's care at once. His guardian for the summer is none other than Severus Snape. It is an unhappy arrangement-Snape is snarky and snide, making Harry do chores and never keeping him happy. But Harry realises that Snape is not as he seems. In fact, he is just what Harry had needed all along-a support. CP!

  • Brittle: His Childhood

    Part 1 in a four-part series. One-shot. "When the neighbours saw little Severus sitting outside his house, on the pavement, they thought him a cute boy, with floppy black hair and good manners. But once they found out that he was Eileen's son-a very bad woman, according to rumor-they kept well away from him and shot him dirty looks as if he was just like his mother. Or his father."

  • Abandoned

    When Severus finds out that one-year old Harry Potter has been shipped off to an orphanage by his relatives, it angers him. Who would have thought that he would actually adopt the baby? But Snape is only doing it for Lily. Will he ever love Harry for who he is, despite the dark history? As grudges and hatred surface, Severus tries to find good in Harry. Baby!fic. Dark.

  • Forbidden

    When Lily Evans married a reformed Severus Snape everything was perfect. They had a daughter, they had a home, they were content...But then a prophecy was related. And that isn't the end of their problems-Their daughter is growing more and more powerful, and the Death Eaters are getting more and more sneaky...and there is definitely a traitor in their midst.

  • Why Don't You Move On For Me?

    Nymphadora Tonks loves Severus Snape to bits. But he still holds a torch to a certain Lily Potter and won't love her back properly. But all this ends tonight. She has had it. Post!war

  • I've Changed

    One fateful day, 16-year old Severus Snape stands up to his father and frees himself and his mother from the man's clutches. Setting out with a new and better life, Severus uses the Prince fortune to get the things he never had before. But when he comes back to Hogwarts, everything has changed-Lily is manipulative, Narcissa is flirty and his friends are shiftier than ever.

  • What I'm Really Good At

    Sick and weak, Severus Snape wants to be alone. But Harry Potter doesn't like that idea. Not one bit.

  • The Wrong Idea

    "I don't know what you'll say to get out of this one, Potter, but to make it easier for you...Get out and never come back here. Be quick about it, Potter, I don't cater to emotional farewells." Severus and Harry have been lovers for over an year, but after Harry's shifty behaviour it seems like their relationship is about to come to an abrupt end.

  • The Wrong Idea

    "I don't know what you'll say to get out of this one, Potter, but to make it easier for you...Get out and never come back here. Be quick about it, Potter, I don't cater to emotional farewells." Severus and Harry have been lovers for over an year, but after Harry's shifty behaviour it seems like their relationship is about to come to an abrupt end.

  • When I First Met You

    Lorcan and Lucy Scamander have been married for some while now and Lucy recalls how they first met. Meanwhile, Lorcan prepares a delicious dinner in an attempt to cheer her up and fix their fragile relationship.

  • It's Not What You Are Born, It's What You Be

    Harry reflects on his life as he tells a story to his children, a story with many lessons.

  • Not In The Mood To Party

    Stuck at Slughorn's Christmas party, Severus contemplates on why he hates parties so...Besides all the laughter and happiness, there is another reason...A sudden memory haunts him and Severus cannot help dwelling on it.