
  • ataraxia

    She woke early to the sun kissing her eyelids at an unfamiliar angle, and her body still humming with restless energy, alive and vibrant with need. Episode insert for 5x01, 'After the Storm.'

  • Inchoate

    His eyes find her across the distance. He disentangles himself, walks toward her and for a moment it's like no time has passed and nothing is different... Future fic.

  • Stricken

    Episode insert for 7x01, 'Driven.' Jim Beckett checks up on Kate during the time that Castle is missing.

  • In My Veins

    It continues to play in her mind - like a sensual soundtrack to every step and smile and caress, to the perpetuity of their moments together. Post-ep for 6x15, 'Smells Like Teen Spirit.' Cover Art by PanananaPananana

  • in this here reality

    This can't be real. He must be dreaming. This can't possibly be real... Castle catches Beckett in a compromising situation. (Allow me to clarify: This is NOT a sequel. This is the complete piece in one post.)

  • Hold Me Now

    A series of unrelated ficlets written for the cuddles and hugs meme. Number 20: Pre-Wedding Hug.

  • Bow Chicka Wow Wow

    "I just figured you'd have better taste than that..." AU episode insert for 3x07, 'Almost Famous:' Castle gets jealous when Beckett eyes the male strippers...

  • Under Pressure

    "Castle, I said legs!" Alternative scene for episode 4x06, 'Demons'.

  • A Quilt of Many Colors

    She lets her hand rest over one of the patches of off-white silk, almost feels warmth seep from the fabric, smells the scent that seems to have irrevocably permeated the fibers. Hears the familiar tinkle of laughter that's been missing from her life for so long.

  • Capture Your Heart

    She should've expected it but it still catches her by surprise, the lightning storm of flashlights, the barrage of questions shouted at them from all sides... Post-ep for 6x13, 'Limelight'.

  • Breaking Point

    She's clinging to him and it's for all the wrong reasons... Episode insert for 3x24, 'Knockout'.

  • madness

    Nothing matters except finding her... An AU take on 7x15, 'Reckoning'. Now complete.

  • All I Want For Christmas

    He crept quietly through the still-dark loft, the chill from the hardwood floor climbing into his naked toes as he tiptoed back through his office; didn't want to ruin the surprise - his Christmas gift for his wife. ThankYouTerri prompt fill.

  • Alight

    She crossed her toned, endlessly long legs, tugged down the edge of her tight skirt that had ridden up her thighs, checked her watch. Sadness, annoyance, resentment flashed across her face in quick succession, well hidden to anyone who wasn't watching closely, who was not as attuned, not used to observe quite as closely... An AU Caskett meeting.

  • Solace

    She has no words. Post-ep for 7x01, "Driven"

  • Respite

    It's with each other where they find relief from the havoc of their lives.

  • Vicimus

    She thinks it's never been this intense before. This indescribable. So beautiful. Post-ep for 6x22, 'Veritas.'

  • Cynosure

    Episode insert for 4x20, 'The Limey' because of that gorgeous black dress and a forlorn-looking Beckett wearing it, and that desperate, desolate longing in Castle's eyes.

  • moirai

    The five times they didn't quite and the one time they did...

  • Summer Dream

    A moment in the Hamptons. Written for the Castle Writer's Guild drabble challenge.