JK Writes

  • Miyako - A Rapunzel Based Story

    Miyako is a 17- soon to be 18 year old girl who wants to get out and explore. Being locked in a tower for all your life does that to you. When she meets thief, Ken Ichijouji, can she bring out the good in him? Is he even bad? Or will someone suffer? Rated T just in case. MAY UNDERGO REVISION

  • My Angel

    [Updated Summary] Maka Albarn is a new student. Things are weird, but she just suspects it's the people. Until she finds out there is an UNDERGROUND school. She and her new friends face new problems, new monsters, and become new people. Literally. Well, Maka Albarn... Welcome to DWMA. KidxMaka SoulxLiz CronaxPatty BSxTsubaki COMPLETE

  • Weak

    Weak. That's how Louise feels. For three years, she had abused and yelled at Saito. She thought he hated her. She thought if she disappeared into the crowd, he would be happy... Like he is with everyone... Everyone but her. Shutting out her emotions completely, Louise has turned into a lifeless being. Can Saito bring her back? Or is it too late for her? Small one shot for LxS :)

  • Sleepover

    Hinata and her friends have a sleepover, and what do you know, so does Neji. The girls find out who Ino's secret boyfriend is, and... let's just say, poison isn't your best friend. KibaHina

  • Little Shadow

    Davis finds out TK and Kari are going on a date. He decides to be a little sneaky and follow them. Little did he know, that becoming their little shadow would do him some good. Bad summary .

  • Talking To The Moon - ShikaTema

    Shikamaru had a habit of talking to the moon, as if it were his love. Songfic, using the song Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars . Sorry for the bad summary... Not good at em!

  • Escort

    Kiba has to escort an heiress to the Country of Waves. Things happen over a period of time. KibaHina .

  • Trick

    Kiba tries to make Hinata do something she's uncomfortable with. After much reassurance, she does it, but in the end... was it worth it? Rated T for one swear word. KibaHina / KibaxHinata

  • Surprise, Surprise - Sequel To Caught

    My terrible sequel... I read this over. I- it's just terrible. Haha! Everyone discovers who Taichi likes!

  • I Love You

    Takeru and Hikari go through the troubles of love... Takari. A slight bit of Daikari.

  • Caught

    Hikari and Takeru are taking off for their flight. When they are a little late, they forget about Patamon and Gatomon, who are in their luggage. What will happen when they get pulled into a room? Will their Digimon get caught? Or will sparks fly? Heh... Really bad at summaries!

  • I'm Back!

    Tea comes back from New York, and reunites with Yugi, Ryou, Tristan and Joey. When she meets Yugi's new brothers, she just might fall in love... Can't write summaries...Main pairing: TeaxYami. Other: YugixOC, RyouxOC, TristanxSerenity, JoeyxMai, SetoxOC Rated T for swearing. Hiatus

  • How We Became One

    From the time they met to the moment their child was born, with all the perfect moments in between. Read on as Kid and Maka 'become one'. I'm so sorry, I'm terrible at summaries. Rated T for swearing and adult jokes.

  • A Ball Can Change You

    Duel Academy is having a ball celebrating the new students...

  • Graduation Party

    Jesse goes back to Duel Academy for his last year, and is acting very odd. Blair takes notice, and gets him a present for graduation. Set right after Jesse comes back with the others. AUish

  • The Sky Never Falls

    Chapter 1: "I had a crush on you. Gradually, it became more. Love." A series of one shots for Keenan and Kristy, I love them so much, they're too cute :3 Discontinued

  • Arranged Marriage

    Two childhood enemies are unwillingly forced into an arranged marriage. Bets are made, secrets pass, and love is in the air. Read on, as two enemies slowly turn into lovers... KibaHina for sure ;) I might suggest other couples as well, but KibaHina is the main one. KibaHina, Slight ShikaTema, SaiIno, NejiTen, SasuSaku, KankuroxOC. Rated T for Swearing

  • Talk

    Naruto interrupts one of Team 8's training, to talk to Kiba. Hinata listens to what they were talking about, and is surprised to hear it.

  • Just A Kiss

    Just a Nebecca/Roah one-shot... Rebecca, the new girl at Buzz, finds out devastating news from her boyfriend, and runs out of Buzz. Who will be there to comfort her? Her best friend, Michael? Or will it be someone else do the job?

  • Love At First Sight

    Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon are hanging out at their training grounds. The subject of a new clan moving to Konoha leads the three to meet a new girl... One that Udon has fallen in love with. Set in the future. Probably OOC because I don't know what the characters personalities are, really XD