
  • A Spider in My Bedroom

    Sherlock and Moriarty have struck a deal. But when Moriarty doesn't keep up his end, Sherlock has to decide to turn him out or not.

  • On One Condition

    Johnlock AU inspired by a tumblr text post. John lives in the house next to Sherlocks and eventually has to go over and talk to him about his loud experiments at night. Sherlock offers a compromise.

  • Don't Let Me Go

    Sherlock gets a bitter taste of the pain John endured after his 'death' two years prior to his return. AU short story, angst like woah

  • Dr Watson's Memoirs- September 9, 1889- Days Without Cases

    An original Doctor Watson diary entry, about days when Holmes is left without a mystery and a general opinion and description of the detective.

  • Time Lord

    Sherlock has a secret that not even he knows, and the Doctor has gone missing. Can there be a connection? AU 13th Doctor

  • The Ultimate Sacrifice

    This is a superwholock crossover. While in London with Sam after a hunt, Dean meets the Doctor while looking for Sherlock. Pre-Reichenbach. Short story, in progress. Major angst violence language

  • Forget Me Not

    John went through a series of traumatic experiences, causing him to have a seizure that inhibits his memory. Sherlock visits him every week, but with every visit the pain simply grows. When an ominous new threat to London is exposed, he has to choose- Will he stay and support his friend, or leave him to save millions? Major angst, some violence, strong language, minor smut

  • A Story For Melody

    The Doctor is having a bad night, and little Melody needs a friend. AU short story

  • Admit It

    A short (sorry I'm kind of blocked) story about when John and Sherlock finally get around to telling each other how they feel about each other.