
  • Truly Existing: Finding Someone

    There's something dark in the woods between Lothering and the Brecilian Wood, and Sloane Tabris is determined to put a stop to the atrocities he finds. Stand alone companion piece to my fic Truly Existing. Written for NaNoWriMo. Rated T for violence and language. M!Tabris.

  • Shattered Mask

    Maia Shepard is certain of her end - whether by her own hand or by the thousands of people who want her dead. In her forced solitude and house arrest, she meets a Spectre who ultimately stops her from seeking her death. Rated a strong T for some minor language, suicidal thoughts, mentions of war crimes, and vague hints at abuse. A mini-fic. F!ShepardxM!OC. Complete.

  • Truly Existing

    I get wrapped up in the Blight after being forcefully transported to Thedas, and try, unsuccessfully, to keep it together. Things don't always go as they're supposed to. Rated a hard T for violence and language. Includes OCs, non-canon party members, and non-Warden cameos of the other origins. Main pairing: OC (Karie)/M!Tabris (Sloane). AU.*** DISCONTINUED