
  • The Survivor's Guide to Surviving the Infection

    No one was prepared for the Green Flu, and the horrors that it brought. A lone survivor has taken it upon herself to record her encounters with the Infected, with a little help, of course. Results may vary.

  • In the City of Angels

    To say he just appeared in their lives one day is a bit of an understatement, but now that's he in it, they don't intend to get rid of them. Their little couple of two suddenly becomes three, just the way it always should have been. [AU] [M]

  • Sealed With

    A virus infection is a slow, but quiet process. It gets inside you and doesn't come out, no matter how hard you try to deal with it. You might not even know you have a virus until it's too late. But never, do you get to see the infection happen with your own eyes. [M] [Alex/Des] COMPLETE

  • Most Beautiful Princess

    She has the prettiest eyes, the loveliest face, the most neglected of character. She's something else and Desmond falls head over heels for her. He just wants to be at her side and fight off all the threats constantly hanging over her head. He just wants her to feel loved, like she belongs (and rightly so!). She's beautiful to him, a gorgeous princess. [AU]

  • Devil's Island

    You know that island out in the bay? The one everyone doesn't dare sail their ships near? They say the Devil lives on that island, and he brought all his demons with him for a big party of sin and witchcraft. It seems like every other night, Hades is ferrying men over to that floating hell on water. People go there as men, but their dead bodies come out twisted. [M] [AU]

  • Sweating Bullets

    Alex has dreams. About himself. The good Doctor was a monster for a reason and oh, Alex finds out how in the most mind shattering of ways. [M/M, post-Prototype 1 AU]

  • Bad Moon Blues

    New York, New York, is everything they say, and no place Desmond would rather be. It's good to be back, with new digs, a new job, and oh yeah, and a new pack to get into trouble with. What could possibly go wrong in the city that never sleeps? [Part 3 of the Bad Moon AU series, M/M, F/M, spoilers for Open Season]

  • Protopigs

    Blue is the color of love. Blue is the color of your soulmate's eyes when you look into them for the first time. Blue is the color you wish you could see instead of the red of blood on your hands when everything comes crashing down around you and no matter how hard you try, red is all you're gonna see. [Protocreed AU] [M]

  • The Right To

    He doesn't live, per say, but rather just exists. It's work, work, and more work at a lowly minimum wage job with little of anything in between. He doesn't have time for sleep, or relationships, or that voice in his head telling him to just quit. Life is mundane, but exhausting.

  • Me and Mi

    [AU] They're complete opposites in every way, shape, and form. They should not be friends. But they are. They should not care about each other so much. But they do. They should not fall in love with each other. But they will. Because some stories, start and end, the same way you always expect them to. [M/M, AlexDes]

  • On The Shores Of

    He's not dead, he's just on vacation. -oneshot, set after ACIII, apple shenanigans ahead-

  • Of the Earth

    They are not tools of war, they do not exist for our enjoyment. The monsters of this world co-exist with us because they so will it. This is something many seem to forget. But there are those given few, born with powers of great understanding of the world they live in, and the creatures they live alongside. [M]