
  • My Not-Quite-Immortal

    You know that horrible fanfic My Immortal? It wasn't bad... it's just Jenny was a bit loopy.

  • The Tiger and the Borg

    AU. Calvin launches himself onto Voyager. Hilarity ensues.

  • Background Understanding

    A series of one-shots that make up some background info for the other things in there. Basically, a Big Tritanium Box of Randomness.

  • Water Pistol

    In which Calvin has a companion, Amy is complaining about something along the lines of "Mels, not again," and a sarcastic tiger almost gets them killed. AU of Holiday by infinimato.

  • Captain Calvin

    AU. Calvin is captain of Voyager. He hates the Prime Directive. And what about this War?

  • Multiversal Storm

    AU. Calvin/Trek/Who/SHIELD. A temporal rift brings together four universes into one bulk multiverse.

  • Voyager D

    AU. Data's Voyager's second officer, Dr. Crusher works with the EMH, Seska is on the Enterprise, and Riker is, well, Riker. Starts during VOY 1x01 "Caretaker" and Star Trek 7: Generations.