
  • More than Just a Dream

    Lėja is a young girl who was sent to Cairnholm by her tutor for a project on the second world war. There, she meets girly-girl Aaryn Waters, lovable Annie, kooky Sephtis, and annoying Jonathan. When John is taking them on a tour of his island, the five accidentaly stumble apon a time loop on the verge of breaking. They go to greet a group of strange children- and the bomb lands.

  • Modern cats series book one: When life gives you lemons

    This is a story about Partyclan, the fifth none-dead clan of the forest! They introduced apple products and other technologies to the other clans. They have lots of fun and act totes CRAY-CRAY! Rated T- you can never know with these guys!

  • Different Girl

    There's this girl named Summer, who gets chosen for the school for good. She's fairly pretty, but not in the way all the other pink-loving princesses in the school are. Time soon reveals that she acts nothing like the others, either. Everyone, including her, can't help but wonder, "Is she really supposed to be here?" Only reading the story will let you find the answer! (rated T)