
  • 20 Seconds

    "I saw this article somewhere on the internet that a twenty second hug a day will relieve stress, release oxytocin and lowers anxiety," he said shyly. He scratched the back of his head. "I also read it creates stronger bond." Olivia smiled. "You should set a timer next time," she suggested. Fits into my Another Reason Universe.

  • The Watch

    Set in the season finale of OC and right after the finale of SVU. Elliot calls Olivia with the news of his faked death, while everybody around Olivia make hints about her feelings for Elliot. Story of forgiveness, keeping an watch over Olivia and Bensler told in 4 chapters, includes talk about Lewis and eventually understanding with Barba.

  • She's Safe With Me

    Elliot visits Serena Benson's gravestone after Burton Lowe showed up. Elliot realized that maybe in her own way Serena loved Olivia after all. Established married EO. Companion piece to When The Past Collides With The Present and This Is Love.

  • This Is Love

    "She's not physically hurt, but trust me, when I'm telling you that Stabler needs to be there. Look, if he finds out about this – and I can assure you, he will – and realizes we didn't do everything to get to him, he will never forgive either of us," Fin said with all seriousness. Set after SVU 500th. Established EO.

  • When the Past Collides with the Present

    "Who are you?" Burton Lowe asked when he appeared on the door. He sounded coarse like he'd just woken up, his hair sticking out in odd directions confirmed it, the sore look on his face was one Elliot recognized – he was hungover. He was still wearing a hotel robe. "I'm Elliot Stabler, NYPD," Elliot said and showed the badge on his belt. Established married EO. Set after SVU 500th.

  • You're Not Your Father

    Set after SVU/OC 23x17/2x17. After talking with Cragen, Elliot starts doubting himself and if he really is a good cop or if he's just like his father. There is one person in the world, who could possibly answer that - Olivia. Established married EO.

  • I Love You

    "Look, about last night," he continued. He paused, but not to remember what had happened – it had been running through his head all night long. She couldn't stop thinking about his confession either. "I meant it," he said, he found her eyes and gazed into them. Set after OC 1x04, no further spoilers. pre-romance EO

  • It's Your Turn

    He kissed her bare back and reached over to the baby monitor to turn the volume down. He sighed. "How come it's always my turn after we've had sex?" he asked rhetorically, but he was already preparing to get up. "Since I can't move and it's your fault," she replied, nevertheless. aka some domestic EO fluff, no smut. No plot really. Fits into my Another Reason universe.

  • 2022

    He awkwardly moved his hand, then tried to go for a hug, but before he had to make a decision or Olivia would help him with taking the lead, or if the moment would pass and he'd miss it – Noah gave him an option he didn't know he had. "I think you should kiss my mom," Noah said bluntly and as innocently as any boy at his age.

  • Call Liv

    "When you have any trouble with Stabler, call Liv. Trust me, she might be the only person around who could manage him." Ayanna seeks help in dealing with Elliot after making him see a shrink. Set in OC S2E12, but only has very minor spoilers. Has a slight touch of EO.

  • Stay down, Liv

    "Liv," he whispered and opened the passenger door. Elliot was still covering her body with his, his arms were folded on her back and her head safely tucked against his chest. He didn't move, neither did she. "Elliot," Fin said a bit louder. "Shooters are gone, it's clear," Kat said as she approached them. Set right after SVU 22.13 and before OC 1.05

  • Protection of Stablers

    Olivia breaks her ankle on the job, so Elliot has the chance to take care of her. Obviously, Olivia's not too happy about it. Ben, Noah and Kathleen make an appearance. Some domestic married EO. Stands alone, but part of my Another Reason universe.

  • Generations of Potters

    Set a month after Generation Next. Hermione is visiting Hogwarts to talk with 7th year students about career options, but she also discusses Harry and Sirius with McGonagall, has a chat with Teddy and Sirius, who is in trouble. Trelawney had a surprise for Harry and Hermione, which naturally annoys Hermione and amuses Harry. Some fluffy H/Hr.

  • Another Reason

    This story follows Elliot's and Olivia's life together from their first kiss to becoming a family. Even they will have some troubles along the way. I'll rely on the storylines, but I do like playing with them a little. Starts with season six after Elliot's separation. E/O all the way, but other characters are also involved.

  • Fate

    Sometimes fate works in mysterious ways; at some cases it gives people just a glimpse of what should have been, but never will be. Set during "Paternity" as Elliot thinks about Olivia and how everything went the other way. E/O oneshot.

  • Scars

    Olivia has a bad habit. Elliot confronts her about it and she finally lets herself go and talks about it. "She opened her eyes and found relief in His life." pre-established E/O WARNING: mentions of self-harm,

  • You Broke My Cup

    Some Annie/Liam fluff, includes a visit from Debbie and Ryan, Naomi in panic and Annie's unluck by breaking his Star Wars cup. Part of Picture Perfect series.

  • Best Friend

    Olivia's thoughts on Elliot after he leaves. "I cannot lie and I won't pretend, but I feel like I lost my very best friend"

  • Generation Next

    Third part of Generations triology, following Lost Generation and Generation Found. Takes place on the day Harry and Hermione send their son to Hogwarts. War is over, things are different and next generation of Weasleys, Potters, Malfoys... are ready to go to Hogwarts. Harry/Hermione centric. Some Trio friendship.

  • Generation Found

    Takes place months after Lost Generation. During his Auror training Harry decided to visit Hogwarts, specifically Hermione. Two friends share their insecurities and feelings, and realize how they can be found. H/Hr, no character bashing, appearances of DA members supposedly in Hogwarts after the battle.