
  • Invisible

    Ivan Braginsky is a sophomore in a small town high school. After some weird experiences, he investigates, finding Matthew Williams. They become fast friends and Ivan doesn't think anything of the sudden enrollment and weird happenings all over the building. The catch? Matthew has been dead for twenty years.

  • Light Within You

    Alfred and Ivan don't always get along. More so since the big fight their freshman year. Now as seniors, they have been assigned to work on a project together. But when secrets about them come out about Alfred's self harm and Ivan being abused at home, they begin to get closer and closer.

  • Maple and Vodka are the perfect match

    When Russia and Canada first met, they didn't know they would ever end up together as a couple. But now that their new relationship has been revealed to the other nations, there are quite a few who don't approve. DICLAIMER! I don't own Hetalia or any of the characters! Or anything I may put in my story!