Silver Linning

  • Fianna

    Fianna...a Dragon of Scarlet and Gold. Can she change something that time its self could not? [DG]

  • Tell Me I'm Beautiful

    Rated just to be safe! DG ONE SHOT! Ginny stays up late one night, waiting for someone to notice her...someone who will know what she is feeling with out her even having to open her mouth...because the peculiar thing about Ginny is, she doesn't like to ta

  • An Emerald Ring

    (DG) [COMPLETE] She turned to thank Malfoy, but he was already enveloped in shadows. But she heard him warn her with five words“Stay in you place Kitten.”She was left in the semi darkness with a faint tingling creeping down her spine.

  • Golden Wings and a Halo

    Draco witnesses the falling of an angel, not just any angel...HIS angel. Ginny Weasley was sent to Earth after a heroic death to protect him. For evil things are coming his way.

  • In My Feild OF Paper Flowrs

    SONG FIC: The song is by Evanescence, and it is Imaginary. Ginny and Graco dream in a world of fantsy, and finaly find each other as their midnight watchers. (I suck at summaries, just read it, its good, I hope...)

  • Cherish

    SONGFIC This is the mushiest thing I have ever writen! Draco meets Ginny on the Quiditch pitch and she teaches him how to love. The song is by Dana Glover, it is callled Cherish.

  • Walking alone

    ONE SHOT:"Of all the Slytherins I had met in these tunnels, I had yet to stumble across the prince of darkness. And here he was, in the flesh. "

  • If I fell from a cloud

    A poem when Ginny questions Draco's love for her.