

  • Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor

    You see two people, and you think 'they belong together'. But nothing happens. Slow burn N/J. Canon compliant MCD in later chapters. WIP.

  • Crash and Burn

    After the events of S25 ep 4, Nikki takes Jack home.

  • The Night Watch

    Night falls, and my watch begins. OR: She cannot lose him. Spoilers for everything, J/N. Jack whump.

  • Unconventional

    She can't stop thinking about it. N/J, set post S.25.

  • Patient Demogaphics

    They've been here too many times for it to be considered a coincidence. Season 25 ep 6 spoilers. Multi POV missing scene.

  • The Safe Bet

    The riskiest roll of the dice is the one you've yet to make. Series 25 spoilers. Nikki/Jack.

  • Line in the Sand

    It all seems a bit... pointless. Season 2 spoilers. J/G undertones.

  • In Life, as in Death

    SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2! Sometimes, Geralt wishes he were normal. Or whatever that's supposed to look like, when one is a Witcher.

  • Outside Looking In

    The first meeting doesn't go as expected.

  • Reality Check

    She cannot do this again. Nikki introspective piece. Spoilers for Fraternity pt 2. T for language.

  • A Love as deep as a River

    Or: Three kisses that kill, and one that doesn't. Just when does River find out his name? 11/River. One shot.