
  • John Doe 34

    *Updated 12/19/14 at 9:56 p.m.* An ignoble death, full of regrets. Or is it? A doctor with plenty of regrets of her own, haunted by dreams, finds herself in a most unusual situation. Still in process, watch for updates. Rated M for safety, as who knows what might happen?

  • Shatter Me

    *NOTE* Updated 10/04/17. A jealous student slips a potion to her rival, but it has some unforeseen side effects, which only add to the problems of a certain Potions Master. Things are finally starting to come together, with plenty of material. My apologies for the chaos.

  • Beyond the Torii

    He has served her longer than the others, but the strain is beginning to tell on him. A tale of an innocent girl, an ancient evil, and one caught between. Rated M for safety.

  • Poles Apart

    Snape survived, but in a coma. Headmistress McGonagall arranges for a Russian professor to take over teaching potions, but she has some secrets of her own...and that's only the beginning of the story. Post DH, mostly compliant, perhaps AU, with several OCs. Rated M for safety. Chapters 1-34 revised 9/15/14, now to work on the next chapters.

  • Forgiven

    The sequel to Poles Apart. Nina, Marcus, and Fiona Snape, along with Elizabeth Worthington as they grow up and attend Hogwarts. Romance, adventure, and nargles. Plus more of Severus and Ana, John and Luna...and probably some more of Neville and Pansy. Because that's what the muse said to write.

  • Distress Signals

    Some schoolgirl crushes can't be discouraged. Especially when the student is a Hufflepuff who might better have been sorted into Gryffindor or Slytherin...Mostly post DH, AU, Snape/OC. Rated M for safety.