Breaking Bunnies

  • It's been a bad day & someone deleted all my recordings of HTGAWM

    Can't you let me drink tea and cry at 5 am in peace? [In which Yin is hurt and Yang tries to help. Shameless sibling love fluff.]

  • Insert Bug Puns Here

    Wherein Herman takes Yang's role, Carl take's Yin's, and the other two are just here to have a good time.

  • The Porcupine's Poor Social Skills

    In which Dr. Light and his first three creations try to be a family. Blues-centric drabbles. The first: Rock and Blues do their best impressions of each other.

  • Of Butterflies and Dead Rockstars

    Who needs bullies or crushes or pony princesses from other worlds to complicate matters when you're already being haunted by the ghost of a world-famous drummer? AU of the Equestria Girls verse. RariShy and RainbowPie.

  • Pre-Dinner Dessert

    Roger Jr. rolls his eyes, gives Yuck's smug face a playful shove. "Just get a marshmallow." Yuck/Roger Jr drabble, meaningless and pandering. Teen for sexual references.

  • Can I be the boy that you meet in?

    Roger Jr./Yang/Yuck- "Another life tragically taken as the eternal winter continues its siege. A- Oh, here he comes."  'Trapped in an airport together after their flights are canceled' AU prompt

  • Routine Morning for Murderers

    "Have you heard," she asks one day, "of plastination?" [Don't Hug I'm Scared, Paige the Notebook/ Tony the Talking Clock]