

  • How to Heal (one-shot)

    Happy birthday, troubledpancakes! This was written especially for a fellow Bellarke shipper/awesome human being. It's a short one-shot, post 2x02 but not really connected to plot too much. I'm giving it a very soft "M" rating - it's really mostly fluff. Hope that's okay.

  • The 200 (Word Kiss)

    As a writing exercise, I'm doing a series of unconnected "snapshot" scenes. To make it challenging, I decided each must be exactly 200 words, and must end in a (BELLARKE) kiss. That's it! I will post each one at a time. While they were intended as an exercise only, please let me know if you're interested in seeing any of these expanded. Thank you for reading!

  • Fire and Ice

    FIRE AND ICE (by Robert Frost) "Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice." This is MOSTLY a Bellarke story. (Several Mature Themes!) Post- Season 1 Finale.

  • Dead Sea

    Bellamy, picking up the pieces of everyone's shattered world. Especially Clarke's. Set after Season 2, Episode 8. Title inspired by "Dead Sea" by The Lumineers: "Whoa, I'm like the Dead Sea/The nicest words you ever said to me/Honey can't you see/I was born to be, be your Dead Sea". RATED "M" FOR LATER CHAPTERS.

  • Pollen

    So there's this trope, right? The "sex pollen" trope? I'd never heard of it until a few weeks ago (I'm such a fanfic neophyte)... Well, I had to do my part for the fandom. Here's my Bellarke Sex Pollen one-shot, because the world could always use more Bellarke, amiright? (If you DON'T know about this trope, look it up first or my story will make NO sense.) Rated "M" because SEX.

  • I'll Be Home for Christmas

    BELLARKE one-shot, written purely as a Christmas gift for my darling beta MarinaBlack1. She suggested I share it with others. **NO LIE, THIS IS JUST LEMONY HOLIDAY BELLARKE.** (Okay, well also with a side of MURPHAMY bromance.) Rate M for the very, very obvious reason that this may be considered NSFalotofstuff.

  • After

    How do you move on, after you've done what "had to be done"? - Set in Season 2, post Mid-Season Finale. - IT'S JUST BELLARKE EVERYWHERE, GANG. Not gonna lie. Rated "M" although it's a SUPER soft "M".

  • Break Forth to New Mutiny

    This started as a quick scene between Drake and Roman, taking place some time soon after Episode 105, in which Drake confesses his recent "mistake". It REALLY grew from there. *Anyone interested in Star-Crossed, I've been told there is a petition online to keep Star-Crossed alive. I've also been told people can do a search for "Star-Crossed" and "petition" for more information.*