Mr. Bluu

  • Titans and Gods and Monsters

    Plagued by visions of a strange Jedi and spurred on by a Dark Lord of the Sith, Mikasa hunts the truth.

  • Verschlimmbessern

    Oh, she enjoyed the sound, did she? Useful tidbits filed themselves away and a knockout of a line started to form in Armin's head. But he needed time, just a minute or two, and he would never be able to focus if he stayed here falling into her eyes. Though, maybe that would be worth it. They practically sparkled with fire. Arumika, lemon

  • Unbreakable Heart

    Ymir latches on to the cheerleader everyone wants and refuses to let go.

  • One-Two Punch

    In which Levi does not inflict a mortal wound on Kenny in the cavern battle, and presents him with an uncomfortable choice.


    Armin, Mikasa, Eren, and itches that need scratching.

  • Bali Ha'i Bypass

    Assaulted by enemies domestic and foreign, Armin and the next-door neighbor take flight into the unknown.

  • Metaphysic Puzzle

    He's angry. Turned-on. Hurt. Mad that this kid is trying to take advantage of his grief, aroused because solid walls, just look at him, wounded because how dare he feel such shameless desire roll down his throat for another when he hasn't even totally moved out of their house yet. Her house, he has to remind himself.

  • This Thursday's Concrete Nap

    The biggest and baddest of Eldia's new bands is in town. Eren and the gang might just have a great night, if they can keep from killing each other.

  • I Think For Naught

    Ciel knows that if he wanted it, Sebastian would deliver the world on its knees to him. But on the last leg of the endless journey, and amid his own thoughts, why would Ciel doubt him? FeelsFic, inspired by Lacrimosa and another Black Butler song Amalee does. And I needed something to help me take a break from OAFSFHASOTF. *TEARS*

  • The Wings Of Freedom

    "These cages have thrice kept us from flight," he is reported to have said. That was all the convincing Erwin needed. SEVERELY AU, in case you were wondering. Edward E., Eren Y., Asuna Y., Finny, Hikaru H., Kaoru H. Characters below have little significance but some all the same.

  • After The Fall

    Kazuto sees no reason to fight Kayaba on the 75th floor if Asuna is dead.

  • Live To Fight

    At the edge of her rope, Mikasa realizes that she's had the world backwards all this time.

  • Cuisine

    During his first Titan transformation, Eren discovers a mighty fine meal to be had...

  • SujGeki No Kurojin : What Lies Outside

    A tempest in fair Shinganshina erupts a fire in the heart of humanity, one that this cruel world cannot snuff out. SNK X Kuroshitsuji crossover, LONGTERM.

  • Sina Is Broken

    Songfic. To the tune of "Screaming Eagles" by Sabaton. I highly suggest listening to the song while reading. Based on the fight between Eren and Annie in episode 25z

  • The Devil's Council Reconvenes

    After the fight with Sariel, Sadao thinks that he can finally lay low for a while without any other ultra-powerful individuals smashing up his neighborhood. But trouble can't seem to avoid the Devil, and the black sheep of the council come to visit. What will become of a one room apartment crammed with five demons? More importantly, what new strain will be put on Alciel's budget?

  • Maybe When They're Gone

    Kazuya doesn't want to see another friend die. He knows that there is only one solution. But perhaps his judgment is a bit impared...

  • The Death Of Ereri

    Hange and Armin put the dog to sleep. Rated M for gore.

  • We're Coming Home

    The birth of the Titan Trio. M for language.

  • Kiss Of Blood

    "Was me," Annie whispered with a deadly tone. "Kidnapping you and showing you you're just as sick as I am not enough to get you to notice me?" MikAnni masochism fanfic, You have been warned, MOFO.