
  • Hail to the Victor

    Victor Zsasz has always been considered the cream of the crop when it comes to the hitmen of Gotham. Fearless, unstoppable, professional. And professionals had codes. With the appearance of the notorious Cirque de Fin, Zsasz find himself working unpaid overtime while competing for his contracts... [Slowburn]

  • After Colony: Revelation

    The peace obtained after Mariemaia's regime was short lived. Her rule was doomed to fail from the start, but his was one that would last. He had dedicated years of his life to perfecting his weapons and he would not be thwarted by any rebel. The Gundam pilots have no choice but to take up arms once more, this time facing four new models called the Four Horsemen. [Epilogue posted]

  • Novicius

    Originally a prompt for an exchange challenge. Loki is to be welcomed back Asgard as the second son of Odin. But should he accept such a title? [Possibly a One-Shot, could turn into something more at a later point.]