
  • Once the Dust Clears

    It has been years since the death of Optimus and Cybertron is back on track. The remainder of Team Prime have established themselves and now lead their own lives. However when a unwanted reminder of the past returns Arcee offers to try and help him ease into society, but it's going to have a lot more complications than she was expecting. (Prime)

  • Silver Eyes

    He's got a spark in his eye. And it's going out. - AU One Shot focusing on Draco Malfoy and his life. Is not compatable with DH Epilogue.

  • Similarities

    Sansa's alone, her family is gone and everyone who ever loved her is dead. Jamie's learning quickly that the man he was is no longer the man he can be, and the one person he wishes would love him instead rejects him. A family dinner may well do them both some good.