
  • Watching

    Years of working under Belos had given Lilith a sixth sense when it came to being watched. And there was no denying that Edalyn was watching her. Those eyes, one gold and one silver, followed her constantly. She wasn't surprised by the mistrust. Still... Lilith couldn't stop being aware of Eda when she was watching her so closely. Eda/Lilith. Warning for incest.

  • Parent Trap

    (mAU) What are the odds of identical twins who don't know each other dating identical twins who live together? Probably pretty low, but that's the situation these four find themselves in. Past traumas and current secrets may make things more complicated than a simple, unexpected reunion. Hiccup/Haden/Astrid/Lillian in various configurations (warning for incest Murderer Hiccup)

  • Multitasking

    Modern AU. "You invited me over here to help knock up your mother. I think I'm being the perfect gentleman!" Valka/Hiccup/Eret Valcupret three-shot. Warning for incest.

  • Exploration

    Post-HTTYD2. Hiccup is relieved to get a break from Chief duties to go exploring islands, seeing dragons and filling in his map again. And that's definitely all that's going to happen on their trip. Definitely. It's not like he's going to explore his feelings too. Hiccup/Valka Valcup one shot (warning for incest).

  • Journey Begun

    Post-Journeys End, the Doctor is hurting but the TARDIS doesn't want to simply let him mope. So he lets her decide where he needs to be, and bumps in to an old friend and a still-fresh mystery who help give him a little more hope for the future. Ten/River/Jack one shot.

  • Unknowingly

    Modern AU. Learning to live with her new-found freedom, Valka takes up an evening art class. She's still not sure how that led to her waking up next to the young man who'd been leading it. Hiccup/Valka Valcup (warning for accidental-incest)

  • Roomies

    Modern AU. Having hidden that their living arrangement wasn't quite platonic for several years, Hiccup, Astrid and Dagur are pretty confident they can hide it from Heather while she stays with them for a few weeks. Things may or may not go according to plan. Astrid/Hiccup/Dagur/Heather in varying mixes. (warning for incest)

  • Rumours

    Modern AU. When Astrid heads off to university, she soon begins to hear rumours circulating about her older brothers. Rumours that, to her initial dismay, have her really rather curious... Hiccup/Astrid/Eret Hicretstrid (warning for incest)

  • Golden Opportunity

    Modern AU. Out with his friends for his birthday, Jaune isn't really convinced about rounding off the night with a trip to the strip club. He goes along anyway, and soon discovers that actually, strip clubs aren't all that bad. Multiple ships, enter at own risk.

  • Dating

    Is it still a date if the fam are there and there's (almost) no possibility of running in to murderers? The Doctor isn't quite sure. At least they were going before Jack the Ripper was active. 13/River/Master two-shot. Sequel to Jailbreak, Harmony and Complicated.

  • Kitten

    No Miraculous AU. After running his smart mouth a little too much, Adrien winds up with a couple of days of punishment. Lucky for him, his two partners are always there to give him exactly what he needs. Marinette/Adrien/Luka one shot.

  • Snow

    Modern AU. An unexpected blizzard leaves Hiccup, Heather and Astrid trapped in their house with no power or heating. Luckily, the magic of weighted blankets and hot chocolate can inspire creative ways to warm each other up. Hiccup/Heather Hiccup/Heather/Astrid two shot.

  • Chosen Two - Year Five

    Vlad bought them a year to fight the war, but Harry knows a year is not much time at all. Even less to immortals. Vlad/Harry. Rated M for sexual content, language, themes.