

  • Forever In Love ?

    Brandon and Callie are deeply in love. But will a mistake with a girl from Brandon's past break the suppose to be forever love apart. Is Brallie really meant to be? LOTS OF BRALLIE!

  • Austin and Ally Questions

    I'm gonna anwsers any questions you may have for Austin,Ally,Dez,and Trish. Ask away...

  • We Belong Together

    Austin and Ally both like eachother. Austin finds out he has a sister. Austin remembers his past. To take the pain away he cuts himself and nearly dies. Austin and Ally admit their feelings. But Austin goes overboard and tells her he loves her. When Ally dosnt say it back Austin runs. Based on -We Belong Together by Mariah Carey.

  • The Villain Who Falls In Love

    People said he could never fall in love. He was to evil to love anyone. But he did with Tara. When he moved he broke up with her and heart brokenly moved away. But will a pretty girl named Emma turn into his new love? Will Tara come back to reveal a secret she's been keeping ,that might lead Max into thinking he needs to get back together with her? Who's love will be stronger?

  • My First Love

    When Ryder first sees Holly its love at first sight. Will they stay together. Will there first love be his last? Also will Mel and Joe be starting a relationship and will Lennox and Zander be starting something new. Ryder/Holly, Mel/Joe ,Lennox/Zander,Joe/Ryder too.