
  • A Story Told, Yet left Untold

    I understand this isn't a poetry site but I think this is fitting into it, this is a poem inspired the Funerary Stele of Zezen-Nakhet. The idea struck me while browsing the internet and looking at all of these things saying they knew exactly what the Egyptian text said...and my 1st thought was "Do we really?" My mouse landed on the stele...and I began my writing.

  • Just Another Homestuck Lost Adventure

    I will be writing this as if it were the Web Comic. It's just how I feel comfortable doing this. As such, It will start being introduced in quite a similar way and shall be updated as I can. Please don't send negative reviews about how it was set up when I have warned you. It won't let me use the More Than sign, so will be considered our "Arrows" navigating the story line.