Ragingtwilight Sparkle

  • A Life Unsettled

    Welcome to Hell fanfic hooray! This is gonna be a long ass story so if you don't like to read, then this isn't for you. I don't know why your on this site if you don't like words. Sad, Cute, and FUTURE SOCKATHAN MAYBE.}{ Sock is called down to Hell for an urgent 'mission' with other haunters. Somehow, accidentaly, Jon joins him. No one can see him though, which is weird. NOT MY ART

  • Sunil and Katrina's Story

    This story has a little bit of everything. Death, romance, shipping (A.K.A. Vinnil, Sepper, Crossworlds, cannon, non-cannon and mixed ships), Pony's, violence, and LOTS of feels(for the fangirls! 8D). Hope you enjoy! May change rating later to 'T' due to blood and extreme violence. And yes, I do write the scenes, no time skips during strifes. Maybe cursing in later chapters. Pb OOC