
  • A Beating Heart

    Kimmer. Arnold has a nightmare about Harry. Luckily, Harry knows exactly what to do to calm his boyfriend down. Prompt: Arnold has a nightmare and Harry tries to calm him down by having Arnold listen to Harry's heartbeat. TW: Nightmares. Fluff, mush, angst.

  • Too Good To Me

    Kimmer. After a particularly hard mission, everything becomes to much for Harry Kim and he ends up doing something to himself that he later regrets. Luckily, his boyfriend, Arnold Rimmer, is there to help, but how will Captain Janeway react? TW: Self harm, depression. Mush, fluff, angst. Rated T for safety.

  • Pirate Prince Harry

    Kimmer. When Voyager is attacked by space pirates, Harry Kim is helpless to help his boyfriend, Arnold Rimmer, who is having a panic attack in their quarters. Fluff, mush, tw: panic attacks. Prompt: 'Rimmer is having a panic attack during a space battle and Harry comforts him.'

  • Songs of Love

    Set after Les Miserables in the Barricade Boy's Heaven. Everyone in Les Amis de l'ABC knows Grantaire and Enjolras are in love. Well… almost everyone. The only people who don't know are Grantaire and Enjolras. Grantaire/Enjolras and Joly/Bossuet. Fluff and cuteness. TW: Depression, Low self-esteem.

  • It Will Be Okay

    Mother/Son Kathryn/Harry bonding. After a mission gone wrong, Tom is injured and it's Harry's fault. When Captain Janeway finds out Harry's self harmed, she does everything she can to help him. Later, Harry returns the favour when the Captain has a bad conversation with her Mother. Rated T for self harm, depression and mention of suicide.

  • Shattered Soul and Weakened Wings: Sam's Story

    Birthday present for my best friend, Ami. An AU where Angels are slaves. When Sam finds an abused Angel slave in the woods, he takes him in and looks after him. When his girlfriend, Jess, gets jealous, how far will she go to get her boyfriend back? Meanwhile, Sam and Gabriel are getting extremely close. TW: Abuse, anorexia, self-harm, slavery. Rated T to be safe. Sam/Jess. Sabriel.

  • Shattered Soul and Weakened Wings

    AU where angels are sold as slaves. Sam and Dean aren't hunters. Dean Winchester buys Castiel, an abused angel, in hopes of saving him from slavery. Unfortunately, Castiel isn't used to nice treatment. What will it take for him to believe Dean when he says he's no longer a slave? Fluff, torture, accidents, cuddles and crying. Destiel. Sabriel. Rated T for physical and sexual abuse.

  • Through Heaven and Earth

    When Samandriel hears about Kevin's death, he wonders through the Heavens to find Kevin and revive him. Kevin and Samandriel admit their feeling for eachother. Kevandriel. Drabble.

  • Pudgy Perfect

    Gabriel takes a joke about his weight seriously and becomes anorexic, believing it's the only way to keep Sam from leaving him. Sam is not happy when he finds out. Established Sabriel. TW: Anorexia and bulemia. T for eating disorder.

  • Welcome To The Family

    Sam's with Dean and Cas on one of their dates when he realises how much he truely misses his Archangel. While sitting outside, moping about how he wanted him back, he realises the Gabriel is much closer than he'd thought. Dean, however, isn't happy at first when he finds out about them. Eventual Sabriel. Established Destiel. Mush and fluff. Protective!Sam and Gabe. T for language.

  • Promises I Can Keep

    Fallen!Gabriel. Falling and becoming human hadn't settled well for Gabriel. One day, Sam walks in on him with a blade to his arm and tries to understand so he can help his lover. Gabriel believes Sam will dump him for being weak, so Sam re-assures him. Mush and fluff. Established Sabriel. Rated T for self harm.

  • You're Stuck With Me

    Sam can't cope being a hunter anymore, so decides to end his life. As he places the barrel to his temple, he apologises to Gabriel, not realising the Archangel can acctually hear him. Gabriel is less than happy with Sam, and attempts to help him by sharing a winter memory. Established Sabriel. Some Destiel. Rated T for suicide attempt. Mush and Fluff.

  • We'll Be Here For Him

    When Dean walks in on Castiel's suicide attempt, he struggles to understand why his angel would do such a thing while trying to convice his lover to tell his brother, Gabriel, so he can heal. Established Destiel and Sabriel. Rated T for suicide attempt and self harm. Fluff, mush and crying included.

  • You're Safe Now

    Gabriel is on his way to reveal he's still alive when he's grabbed by two guys in the alley and brutally raped. Castiel finds him and, not knowing what to do, he takes Gabriel to the Winchesters for help. Can Sam and Dean help the archangel? Eventual Sabriel. Destiel if you squint. Rated T for rape. No graphic scenes.

  • It's My Turn To Watch Over You

    Sam walks in on Gabriel with a gun to his head, about to pull the trigger. Sam attempts to convince Gabriel to stay, while Gabriel talks about why he must go. Sam soon finds out Gabriel's been with him for longer than he thought. Fluff, mush and snuggling ensue. Established Sabriel. Rated T for suicide attempt.

  • Missed You, Kiddo

    Sam in hell AU. Gabriel disobeys orders and goes to find Sam in the pit and raise him from perdition. When Gabriel finds him, he also finds Lucifer. Brotherly conversations ensue. Eventual Sabriel. Tortured!Sam. Protective!Gabriel. Torturer!Lucifer. Drabble. Rated T for slight torture.

  • I Found You Intimidating

    Fallen!Gabriel. A certain Goddess with a grudge against a certain Archangel and an idea for revenge arrives at Sam's house, demanding to know where Gabriel is. Sam refuses to tell. Slightly tortured!Sam and protective!Gabriel. Torturer!Kali. Established Sabriel. Rated T for slight torture. Fluff and mush ensue.

  • Bigfoot Beginings

    Written by me and the gorgeous Feebleplatypus. Sam Winchester has believed Gabriel to be dead for 2 weeks, so imagine his surprise when he and Dean meet a certain someone at a crime scene, dropping hints. Eventual Sabriel, unusual reunion, bitchy brothers. Rated T for language I think. Cute fluffy mush. (Ignore my titles...)

  • Red Waters

    When a vampire chase goes awry, Sam nearly drowns and Gabriel realises how close he came to losing his lover. Later, something triggers for Gabriel, causing him to panic and become slightly protective of his boyfriend. Written by me and the fabulous Feebleplatypus. Cute, angsty mush (As per usual)

  • Scorched Skin

    Gabriel's death!AU where Sam was there when Gabriel died, leaving the young hunter devestated. The archangel's wings burned onto Sam's arms when the angel died in Sam's arms. Gabriel is gone and the younger Winchester prays to God every night. One day, a few years later, his prayers are answered. Eventual Sabriel. Written for Feebleplatypus.