Uchiha B

  • The Bird and His Puppy

    This just had to be his toughest assignment yet! And all he had to was become friends with a feral girl who came out of nowhere with no family and had said only one word in years until he came along, "Miko." Her Quirk is a mystery, but he was much more interested in her doggish way of life, IY/BnHA, Hawks x Kagome

  • Their Pack

    Their pack was strange, but the Miko was the glue that held it all together. Drabbles, Inu x Kag x Sess, Mir x San, Kohaku x Rin,

  • Kamisama no Miko

    Mikage Shrine and its residents just might be what she needed to pull herself out of her dark spiralling depression when the well refused to allow her back to the past. "My name is Higurashi Kagome and I would like to be your Miko!" IY/Kamisama Kiss drabbles, Tomoe x Kagome

  • Secretly Yearn

    He secretly yearned for the Miko that had saved his nation five-hundred-years prior. Of course, things only get a little more complicated when the rest of the world learns of her existence, IY/Hetalia drabbles, Various x Kagome

  • The Purring Titan

    "T-those... EARS!" Kagome flushed at the sight of the Titan's pointed ears, "I want to touch them so badly!" In which Eren shows Kagome his Titan form. Levi is not happy nor amused, IY/AoT one-shot, also related to Priesterin maybe

  • Uke to the Alpha

    "It was an accident!" Shippou innocently proclaimed, "You will change back in a few hours, Kagome!" In which a certain Miko is turned into a boy by a certain Kitsune. A certain Taiyoukai finds himself rather unexpectedly intrigued by the events, IY crack!drabbles, Sesshoumaru x Temporary Male!Kagome

  • Washing Up

    "I didn't know you could be so forward, Levi!" Kagome smiled and ignored the dark glare of the Corporal, "Offering to help me wash myself!" In which Levi helps Kagome wash herself after she is injured on a scouting mission. Things, however, get a little hotter than just the warm water, IY/AoT one-shot, vaguely future-ly related to Priesterin? Maybe?

  • Priesterin

    "What is she?" Eren's entire body shook as the Titan dissolved into a pile of glittering ash, "What the hell is she?" In which Eren Jaeger is saved by a mysterious girl on a mission for the Survey Corps. Questions could only arise in return, IY/Attack on Titan, Eren x Kagome x Levi

  • Chibiness

    In modern Japan, it was a meeting that should not have happened, but Sesshoumaru cannot help but to involve himself in a certain five-year-old Miko's life, Sess x Chibi!Kag drabbles

  • Luck to Unluck

    From outside looking in, Clint Barton looked like the luckiest man in the world. But it was really Higurashi Kagome who was the lucky one. Or perhaps it was unlucky rather? IY/Avengers crack!shot, Clint x Kagome x Natasha

  • Bishoujo Senshi Miko!

    Life simply never gave Higurashi Kagome a break as she finds herself pulled into another war in the modern era this time around. Just what are the Sailor Guardians, the Dark Kingdom, and the Maboroshi no Ginzuishou? "Another Shikon? Great..." IY/Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Shitennou x Kagome

  • Freezing

    It wasn't the way she expected to go, but she supposed it was better than dying a bloody death. But it finally seemed like her rotten luck was changing for the better when a certain Ice Mage rescues her before the freezing darkness overcomes her. Still, the question on her mind: where was she? IY/Fairy Tail drabbles, Gray x Kagome

  • Stuck Between

    A certain Miko finds herself stuck between two demon siblings when she saves one of them from an attack. And what's this about a Kitsune Avatar and a Toushin Hanyou? IY/YYH, Kagome x Harem

  • Of Hope and Despair

    Wishes didn't exist. It was a fact that Higurashi Kagome knew very well, IY/Madoka Magica drabble

  • Daddy Issues

    Kagome Higurashi was not your average teenage girl, even after her feudal fairytale. It seemed the father she knew was not her biological father at all, "It's just my luck I'm the daughter of a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist." IY/Avengers/Amazing Spider-Man xover

  • Inshouku

    She was not an Avenger. Hell, she didn't even know who the Avengers were and yet somehow found herself living with them after a chance meeting with Clint Barton, IY/Avengers

  • Magnet

    In Feudal Japan, she was a magnet for demons. In modern America, it seemed she was a magnet for playboy billionaire superheroes, IY/DC/Marvel inter-connected drabbles

  • Not so Average

    Kagome Higurashi didn't think herself as special and considered herself an average girl once the well closed on her for good. It's too bad that many others didn't think so, IY/Marvel/DC xover

  • Obsessive

    A collection of Uchiha Kagome drabbles, Uchihacest! Inter-connected and separate drabbles, IY/Naruto, Installment 21: The Muted

  • Stray Miko

    Being summoned onto a shrine was one thing, but Yato certainly didn't expect to come across a Miko of all things - and an unattached one at that! Now, if only this Miko would agree to be his human servant...! IY/Noragami drabbles