Porky Poo

  • I Think I'll Stay Awhile

    Everything had gone wrong and Loki was powerless to stop it. He had been to slow, if only he had reacted a moment sooner none of this would have happened. *Spoilers for Thor: The Dark World*

  • Lost in the Crowd

    He always knew that he was different. But his first year at Hogwarts is going to emphasise that more than anything. Can he learn to fit in or accept his differences?

  • The Croquet Mallet

    Claudia is spending a normal day in the Warehouse when two strangers appear. Who are they? Where did they come from? And does Mrs. Frederic know more then she is letting on?

  • Welcome to High School

    Lexi is new in town and when she starts high school she is in for a big surprise. All of the teachers are crazy! From flirting with everyone to wielding battle axes, they are a strange group of people. Join Lexi as she attempts to survive the school year and hopefully make some friends along the way.

  • Strange Sleeping Arrangements

    Ludwig has always had a rather interesting sleeping arrangement. The problem is that he doesn't know why. Will delving into his past help him understand his present?

  • Misunderstood

    Loki was captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. but after all of the destruction he has caused in the past they still don't want him dead. Will Loki ever figure out what they really want? And will he ever get out? *Sequel to I Think I'll Stay Awhile (must read first)* *Slight spoilers for Marvel Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.*