
  • Sunshine

    Scott Summers has three difficulties in his life: his brother chews his toys, his father's not the same... and kindergarten. When five-year-old Scott can't seem to stay at school, his mom looks for a way to help. [Stars From Home]

  • Strays

    When 15-year-old Scott brings home a stray, Charles faces a question he never thought he would need to answer: "Can we keep him?"

  • For Protection From Monsters

    When Raven returns, Charles finds himself torn between his past and his present. Some students look to Scott for answers, while Ororo would rather seek her own. With discord at home, an external threat jeopardizes not only the school but the bonds of those within it. [Stars from Home]

  • Someday at Christmas

    While Grimmauld Place is filled with Weasleys and the regular gang, Lupin has a question to answer. Chapter Four: Lupin and Sirius's special love

  • Logistics

    Jean and Scott have been drifting apart. There are circumstances, external factors, muscular guys with claws... but ultimately, their relationship is about them and about love. It's about whether, under slight scrutiny, these things are enough to hold them together. [AU]

  • In Six Words, Christmas

    It's Christmas at the Xavier Institute! All Ororo cares about is the season, about touching snow. For Scott and Alex, it's the first holidays together since their parents died. And while Charles believes in giving gifts, he knows the only thing he's hoping to receive is near impossible: a kiss under mistletoe. Chapter 5: Christmas Eve. [Stars from Home]

  • Safety in Revenge

    A strong enemy forces the X-Men to seek allies-but secrets are kept on both sides and it's never easy to dig up the past. [Stars from Home]

  • Gathering Places

    The Xavier Institute welcomes its first class of teenage mutants. It's a dream realized for Charles, an intimidating social situation for Scott, one more in a series of not-quite-homes for Ororo. Along with friends, siblings, and classmates, they explore what mutation means alone, with peers, and in a world of humans. [Stars From Home]

  • Unforgiven

    Hermione writes a letter to Harry, who is in St. Mungo's.

  • Harry's Godfather

    The marauders spend Christmas together, and Lily explains why she chose Sirius rather than Remus to be Harry's godfather.

  • The Chase

    OotP Molly's relying on Lupin to prepare the tea, but Sirius has other plans. Mostly Lupin, Sirius and Tonks