

  • Walking in the Rain

    Yasutomo finds himself stuck in the rain after popping his tire on his way home from an errand Fuku-chan gave him, resulting in Hayato having to come to his rescue despite his embarassment.

  • The Life of a Mangaka

    Seidou Publishing's manga department finds themselves in a bind as their CEO requests for a collaboration one-shot from their top five mangakas in the company. With chaos and humor ensuing in every direction, how will the manga department deal with this obstacle?

  • Have Faith

    Does he have faith? Sawamura wonders and questions as of what Miyuki thinks of the team. Of him. Maybe he didn't need an answer, especially when he figures it's okay after remembering the meaning of small yet significant flower he was holding. EDITTED

  • Time Stops For No One

    Time stops for no one. The regrets and mistakes he made could not be undone. Kuroko looks back and realizes that he had no other choice but to move forward despite how much he had wanted to hold on to his past. He looks back and smiles now that he has no more regrets. Never take time for granted for time stops for no one. Set after Seirin/Rakuzan match. One-shot