Tsar Bomba

  • I Don't Know

    Weird awkward short stories for a weird awkward romance. Pam/Angela.

  • Santa Judith

    She watches the water, the road, the haze on the city. She watches the frail blue horizon ragged like torn paper. She watches the distance and thinks of her. Short one-shot set after World Entire, the reading of which is not necessary.

  • Ashfields

    A mother and her child, each the other's world entire, try to survive in a barren wasteland that favors the cruel and the merciless. With her mind failing, she tries to guard that which is most precious to her. Pre-Fallout.

  • World Entire

    There is more than familiarity or similarity, Madison Li recognizes as much. Maybe she finds something attractive in a person so willing to destroy themselves for humanity's sake. It wouldn't be the first time. Madison Li/Female Lone Wanderer