
  • Immortal

    To George, every mirror was the Mirror of Erised - every mirror showed him what he wanted more than anything else. He wanted his brother back. - Response to the Vivid Characters/Scenes in 100 Words or Less on HPFC. [second response]

  • A Very Weasley Christmas

    Christmas at the Burrow, after all, was never boring. - Post war, Fred lives. Harry/Ginny, Fred/Hermione, onesided!Ron/Hermione, Bill/Fleur, Percy/Penelope, George/Alicia, and Charlie/OC. -Response the the Fluffiest of Fluff Challenge on HPFC- :)

  • Anger and Regret

    Snape visits Lily the night before her wedding and is left alone, once again. One-sided Severus/Lily; James/Lily. Rated T for angst and slight profanity.

  • The Ties That Bind

    AU!Prequel to The Prophecy Chronicles. James Potter, Lily Evans, Alyssa Foster, Remus Lupin, Sabrina Craven, and Sirius Black are six ordinary witches and wizards. Other then their epochal destiny that is. L/J, R/OC, and S/OC.

  • Eternal Devotion

    "After all this time Severus?" Dumbledore asked, his face sad for his friend. "Always." Severus replied devotedly. Snippets of Snape's life, showing his never wavering devotion for Lily Potter.

  • Defining Love

    Fancying them is feeling attraction or finding something nice to look at. Loving someone…blimey, I don't even know how to define that. L/J

  • Happily Ever After?

    "This year the Christmas Ball is going to be slightly different," said Dumbledore. "There is going to be a theme. You're familiar with Muggle fairy tales, correct?" L/J implied Sirius/Marlene and Alice/Frank. T cause I felt like it. COMPLETE!

  • My World

    You're right. You're my hero." I looked at her. "Well if I'm your hero Lily Evans," I wiped a stray tear from her cheek. "Then that means you're my world." :My story "My Hero" in James's point of view this time. Let me know what you think.

  • My Hero

    "James, I have to tell you something," "Hm?" "I love you too. You're a hero." "I'm no hero," he said humbly. "You're right. You're my hero."